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Simple And Special Solo Beef Curry Recipes And Seasonings

Indonesian cuisine is known for its varied variety.

These dishes are influenced by the many different ethnic groups in Indonesia and the many innovations that come from the culinary world that make the variety even richer. But one thing is for sure, Indonesian dishes do have their own distinct taste, which is processed and blended and the spices and herbs are so rich.

One of the most common dishes in the Indonesian food menu, one of which is made from meat. This dish is indeed delicious, so it is not surprising that many innovations have been made to the meat served into a delicious dish that is so delicious.
Well, one of the delicious dishes made from the basic ingredients of beef which until now has been able to survive and still be able to compete with other dishes is the typical Solo beef curry dish. A delicious dish of beef combined with herbs and spices and a very tasteful coconut milk sauce makes this dish presented so special. So, so that you can make a simple but special solo beef curry dish in your home. Let's see how the recipe is.

simple and special solo beef curry recipes and seasonings

Recipe Name

Simple and Special Solo Beef Curry Recipes and Seasonings

4.8 45

Cooking Time




The Ingredients Needed To Make Simple and Special Cuisine and Seasoning for Solo Beef Curry

The Main Ingredients To Make A Typical Solo Goulash:

  • 1 kg of meat (cut according to taste)
  • 1 liter thick coconut milk
  • 1 liter of thin coconut milk
  • Butter for frying

Spices that are ground to make a special beef curry from Solo:

  • turmeric leaf.
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stalks (bruised)
  • 4 lbs lime leaves
  • Salt, sugar, and white pepper powder to taste
  • 20 whole chilies
  • 3 pieces of kandis acid

Also Read Recipes for Goat Curry, Typical Madura, which are delicious, delicious and tasteful

How to Make Simple and Special Solo Beef Curry and Seasonings

How to Process and Clean Meat:

  1. The first step you have to do first to start the steps in this recipe is to wash the meat completely before using it. Make sure you wash it under running water and remove all the dirt.
  2. After washing thoroughly, coat the meat with lime juice to break down the fishy smell in the meat.

How to Cook a Special Solo Goulash:

  1. Pour the butter into the skillet and wait until the oil is melted and hot enough to sauté.
  2. Saute ground spices in a frying pan and hot butter until it smells good and all the spices that are sauteed become more cooked.
  3. Enter the turmeric leaves, kendis acid, lemon grass, lime leaves and bay leaves then stir-fry until the smell is fragrant and the inserted leaves become more wilted.
  4. After the stir fry is cooked, put the meat that has been cut into pieces according to taste into the stir fry and stir until the meat changes color and the stir-fry seasoning becomes more pervasive into it.
  5. Pour the thin coconut milk into the stir fry pan and stir until it boils until the meat becomes more tender.
  6. Next, also pour thick coconut milk into the stir fry, cook while stirring occasionally and make sure that the coconut milk that is poured does not break, turn down the stove.
  7. Finally, add all the ingredients that have not been added and cook until everything is evenly cooked.

Serve the delicacy of eating this delicious, delicious and delicious Solo meat curry.

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