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Recipes And How To Make A Delicious, Simple But Delicious Keputren Bean Saute

The stir-fried pea keputren dish is a delicious and special dish.

For those of you who are currently looking for a menu of dishes to eat with your family, this dish could be the right choice. Let's see what the recipe for making sauteed peas is delicious.

recipes and how to make a delicious, simple but delicious keputren bean saute

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Sauteed/Cah Kapri Keputren which is delicious, simple but delicious

4.8 243

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

6 Servings

The Ingredients Needed To Make A Tasty, Simple But Delicious Keputren Saute/Cah Capri

Main Ingredients for Sauteed Peas:

  • 100 grams of peas
  • 75 grams of bean sprouts
  • 100 grams of baby corn
  • 5 pieces of beef meatballs

Stir-fry Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • 3 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 lembar daun jeruk, dibuang tulangnya
  • 3 sendok makan saus tomat
  • 5 butir bawang merah, dicincang kasar
  • 1/4 sendok teh kaldu sapi bubuk
  • 300 ml air
  • 1/2 sendok makan tepung sagu dan 1/2 sendok makan air, dilarutkan untuk pengental
  • 1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 3/4 sendok teh gula pasir
  • 1 batang daun bawang, dipotong 2 cm
  • 2 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis

Cara Membuat Tumis/Cah Kapri Keputren yang Enak, Sederhana Namun Lezat

Tips Mempersiapkan Bahan Utama:

  1. Do the first method by preparing the main ingredients first. Because this material must be cut and processed first before being mixed and seasoned into a delicious dish. However, you should prepare in advance the equipment that will be used for cutting. So that later if this equipment is close to you, it will be easier for you to prepare the ingredients above. Equipment that you may need for cutting include a knife, a cutting board and also several containers to accommodate the cut vegetables that you have made.
  2. For the first material to be cut first, of course, is the main ingredient, namely peas. Peas need to be cleaned with the pointed ends. For that, cut off the two sharp ends and pull in opposite directions to clean the fibers on the peas.
  3. After the part is cleaned, please cut the peas into two parts and cut them obliquely. Then put the pieces in a container and set aside temporarily.
  4. For the next material to be prepared is keputren corn. Same with peas, you can cut the keputren corn in oblique shape and split it in half for every one keputren corn stalk. The result, put in a container and set aside temporarily.
  5. Then for bean sprouts, clean the tail of the sprouts by cutting and cleaning by hand and set aside in a container.
  6. Meanwhile, for beef meatballs, cut the beef meatballs into thin round shapes. And again, put the cut in a container and then set aside temporarily.
  7. Finally, please clean all the ingredients that have been cut, except the beef meatballs. Clean these ingredients with clean water to remove dirt and germs that are still lodged in the vegetables. Lift and drain.

Also read the recipe and how to make stir-fried peas ati ampela which is really delicious, special and savory

How to Make Sauteed Peas Keputren:

  1. Prepare a frying pan, place it on the stove and pour cooking oil into it. Wait a while until the oil is hot.
  2. Once hot, please stir-fry the red onion along with the garlic and lime leaves until these ingredients are cooked and emit a delicious aroma.
  3. Then put the corn keputren into it along with the peas. Stir until the ingredients are wilted and add the tomato sauce along with salt, pepper, sugar and powdered stock. Stir evenly until these ingredients are mixed.
  4. Pour water into the stir fry just a little and cook until it boils. Finally, enter the bean sprouts into it, mix well.
  5. Then thicken the sauce with a solution of sago flour. Then cook until bubbling. Add the scallions and mix well.

Take this dish when it is cooked and enjoy it with your family at home.

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