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Recipes And How To Make Simple And Delicious Sweet And Sauteed Sweet Peas

Serve a delicious and delicious dish of sauteed sweet peas that is simple at your home.

This delicious and fiber-rich dish can be a healthy choice menu that you serve to your family at home. Well, curious as to what the recipe for making sauteed sweet peas is delicious and delicious, let's look at the recipe below.

recipes and how to make simple and delicious sweet and sauteed sweet peas

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Saute/Cah Sweet Peas that are Simple and Delicious

4.8 106

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

7 Servings

Ingredients Required To Make Simple, Delicious and Delicious Sweet Peas Stir Fry/Cah

Main Ingredients for Sauteed Peas:

  • 300 grams of sweet peas
  • 200 grams of fire prawns

Ingredients and Seasoning Sauteed Peas:

  • 3 red onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 2 large red chilies, seeds removed, cut into slices
  • 1 red tomato, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 4 beef meatballs, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 150 ml water
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon oil for frying

How to Make Simple, Delicious and Delicious Sweet Peas Stir Fry/Cah Capri

Tips for Preparing Main Ingredients Before Cooking:

  1. For the first thing you can do is to first prepare the main ingredients. This is because the main ingredients need to be cut into pieces and cleaned of shells or dirt. However, before starting to prepare, you should first take the equipment that you will use to cut the ingredients so that later it will be easier for you to cut them.
  2. Sementara itu, untuk bahan pertama yang akan kita potong dan bersihkan adalah kaprinya terlebih dahulu. Untuk melakukan ini anda bisa memotong kedua bagian ujung kapri dengan menggunakan pisau secara merata. Setelah dipotong kedua bagian ujungnya, lanjutkan dengan memotong kapri menjadi dua bagian. Lalu masukkan hasil potongan kapri ini dalam wadah dan sisihkan sementara.
  3. Untuk udang, kita akan bersihkan udang terlebih dahulu dengan cara. Kupas cangkang atau kulit udang dengan menggunakan tangan dan potong bagian kepalanya. Sisakan bagian daging dan kulit, lalu masukkan dalam wadah yang berbeda ketika anda memasukkan kapri.
  4. Terakhir, silahkan bersihkan kedua bahan ini dengan menggunakan air bersih secara merata hingga kotoran dan kuman dapat dihilangkan.
  5. Remove the cleaned vegetables and shrimp, drain the washing water and put it back in the previous container. Set aside temporarily.

Also read the recipe and how to make ground beef that is delicious, savory and delicious

How to make a simple sweet stir fry peas:

  1. After the main ingredients are cleaned and prepared, continue to heat the cooking oil in a frying pan that has been heated on the stove.
  2. Then stir-fry some spices such as onion, garlic and red chili. Fry these ingredients until they are cooked and give off a nice and delicious aroma.
  3. Once fragrant, add the cleaned prawns. Stir the prawns until they change color and look cooked
  4. Then also enter the peas, meatballs and tomatoes that have been cut into pieces. Stir and saute until the ingredients are evenly wilted.
  5. Next, add the oyster sauce along with salt, sugar and ground pepper. Stir evenly until the ingredients and spices are mixed.
  6. Pour only a small portion of the water in the stir fry and cook until the gravy is boiling and the vegetables and other ingredients are cooked.

Once cooked, remove this dish and serve it to your family and then enjoy it while it is still warm.

That's the recipe and how to make a delicious simple sweet pea stir fry dish, I hope this recipe is useful.

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