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Recipes And How To Cook Sauteed And Delicious Carrot And Corn Beans

Stir-fried carrot beans are a practical and healthy dish that can be used as a reference when serving a meal.

The taste of stir-fried carrot-corn beans is very good. The unique spice composition makes this one stir fry more savory and the aroma released is very delicious.

Instead of being confused about what menu for today, let's just make this stir-fried carrot and corn beans at home. The process of making it is very simple and the ingredients and spices needed are not difficult to find. Well, if you want to make this stir fry at home, you can immediately refer to the recipe below.

recipes and how to cook sauteed and delicious carrot and corn beans

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Cook Delicious and Delicious Carrot and Corn Beans Stir-fry

4.7 209

Cooking Time




Jumlah Porsi

4 Porsi

Bahan dan Bumbu Untuk Membuat Tumis Buncis Wortel dan Jagung yang Enak dan Sedap

Bahan Utama Tumis Buncis Wortel Jagung

  • 150 gram buncis
  • 50 gram wortel
  • 100 gram jagung manis
  • 3 buah sosis sapi
  • 50 gram udang
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya

Bumbu Tumis Buncis Jagung Wortel

  • 1/4 bawang bombay
  • 3 buah bawang putih
  • 1 buah cabai merah besar
  • 1 batang daun bawang
  • 1 sendok teh kaldu ayam bubuk
  • Garam secukupnya
  • 1 sendok teh maizena yang dilarutkan dengan 1 sendok teh air
  • Merica bubuk secukupnya

Cara Memasak Tumis Buncis Wortel dan Jagung yang Enak dan Sedap

Cara Menyiapkan Bahan dan Bumbu Tumis Buncis Wortel dan Jagung

  1. Pertama siangi buncis yang telah anda siapkan. Lalu potong buncis dengan ukuran sekitar 3 cm. Lalu cuci sampai bersih.
  2. Ambil sosis sapi yang telah anda siapkan. Lalu potong kotak kecil-kecil.
  3. Peel the sweet corn that you have prepared. Then pee.
  4. Peel the carrots, then cut into squares.
  5. Peel the prawns and remove the heads.
  6. Slice the onions lengthwise that you have prepared.
  7. Finely chop the garlic.
  8. Remove the large red chili seeds. Then cut into squares.

Also read the Recipe for Sauteed Chickpeas with Delicious Yellow Spices and How to Make

How to Cook Sauteed Corn Carrot Beans

  1. The first step that must be done is, you must first prepare a frying pan or frying pan on the stove. Then take the cooking oil that you have prepared. Heat the cooking oil over medium heat.
  2. When the cooking oil is hot, you can immediately add the sliced ​​onions and chopped garlic along with the chilies. Stir until everything is wilted and emits a fragrant aroma.
  3. After that, add the peeled prawns. Then fry the prawns until cooked or change color.
  4. Next, add the crushed sweet corn. Saute until the corn is wilted and cooked.
  5. Then, add the beans and carrots. Stir well until carrots and beans are evenly mixed.
  6. Add the chopped sausage and scallions. Stir until evenly distributed.
  7. Add seasonings such as salt, powdered broth, and sugar. Stir until the spices dissolve.
  8. Add water and stir again until smooth.
  9. Finally, add the cornstarch solution. Stir well and wait until the ingredients are cooked and the spices are absorbed. If it is cooked you can immediately lift the stir fry and serve it on a serving plate that has been prepared.

Sauteed carrot corn beans are done. Serve this one stir fry warm. You can eat this stir fry as a friend of rice.

That's the recipe and how to make stir-fried carrot corn beans. Very simple isn't it? Good luck, hopefully the recipe that we present is useful. After you finish reading this recipe, there is nothing wrong if you share it with friends or people around you by clicking the share button.

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