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Recipe For Making Combro Tempe, A Delicious Warm Snack


Recipe for Making Delicious Warm Tempeh Combro Snacks

Of course, you are no longer foreign to the combo dish, right? This dish originating from the land of Sunda is starting to be known by many people because it tastes good and is delicious as a healthy snack. Well, if usually combro often contains oncom, now the filling is replaced with tempe. Curious about the taste of the tempeh combo dish? Come on, make this dish at home. 

Side Dish
Indonesian cuisine
The keyword is tempeh snacks, combro filled with tempeh
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Serving 40 Fruits
Calories 245 kcal
Writer Bella


Leather Materials:

  • 500 grams of cassava
  • 100 ml water
  • 100 grams of coarsely grated coconut
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Filling Material:

  • 200 grams of tempeh
  • 500 ml oil for frying
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons oil for frying
  • 100 ml coconut milk from 1/4 coconut
  • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar comb
  • 3 sprigs of basil

Coarse Ground Seasoning:

  • 3 red onions
  • 3 pieces of red chili
  • 2 curly red chilies
  • 3 large red chilies


Preparation for Making Delicious Warm Tempe Combro Snacks:

  1. Preparation is an important step that will make it easier for you to make this dish. This is because at this step there are several ways to process ingredients that are not listed in the recipe. Thus, listening to the preparation steps is the same as making it easier for you to make this dish.

  2. The first preparation that needs to be done is the cassava. Please peel the cassava and wash it thoroughly. After that, grate the cassava gently and collect the results in a container. 

  3. When it is finished then squeeze the grated cassava and set aside 50 ml of water and throw it away. Let the grated cassava dry so that later this material becomes easier to form as a combro skin mixture. 

  4. Finished with grated cassava, please continue with preparing tempeh as a filling for this dish. The trick is to cut and slice the tempeh into smaller sizes. 

  5. Then then fry this dish in hot oil as long as it is skinned and cooked evenly. Then remove and mash the tempeh while it is still warm so that the texture becomes more crumbly. 

  6. Put this material in a container and set aside temporarily. Because we will make a tempeh combo dish this time.

How to Make a Delicious Warm Tempe Combro Snack:

  1. To make the Combro Tempe dish, first, please prepare a frying pan. Then put a little cooking oil in it and heat it evenly.

  2. Then then please put the tempeh into it. Mix all these ingredients evenly. Then season with salt, brown sugar and coconut milk. Then stir evenly so that the spices are added evenly. Then cook this dish until absorbed. 

  3. To make combro skin you will be able to mix cassava together with grated coconut then add water and add salt. Then stir all this dish evenly and mixed.

  4. Take a small amount of dough, flatten it evenly, give the filling and shape it perfectly round. Take a frying pan and put cooking oil in it. 

  5. After the oil is hot, fry the combro in it and don't forget to turn it over so that the dish is cooked evenly. 

Recipe Notes

Once cooked, of course, you can make this combro dish as a delicious and warm snack. Eating together with family when gathered together will certainly be more special.

See also: How to Make Cassava Combro

Also Read Various Savory and Delicious Tempe Recipes

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