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Recipe For Cooking Fried Beef Ball Soup With Clear And Delicious Clear Soup

Tired of serving food for children because of the same dishes?

Well, this time we will share a special recipe for fried beef ball soup with clear sauce. This dish will suit the kids with its delicious and scrumptious fried meat balls. So that you can serve this dish at home, let's take a look at the recipe below.

recipe for cooking fried beef ball soup with clear and delicious clear soup

Recipe Name

Recipe for Cooking Fried Beef Ball Soup with Clear and Delicious Clear Soup

4.9 125

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients Required To Make Fried Beef Ball Soup With Clear and Delicious Clear Soup

Main Ingredients for Making Fried Beef Ball Soup:

  • 200 gr minced beef
  • 50 gr sago flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
  • 1 block beef flavoring
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 red onions
  • 1 egg, take the white only
  • Cooking oil for frying
  • Enough oil for frying

Beef Ball Soup Complementary Ingredients:

  • 2 carrots, cut into rounds
  • 5 green beans, cut lengthwise
  • 2 potatoes, cut into squares
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped
  • 2 spring onions, chopped
  • Cooking oil for frying

How to Cook Fried Beef Ball Soup with Clear and Delicious Soup

How to Make Fried Beef Ball Dough:

  1. First of all, you can start this recipe by first mixing the ground beef in a medium-sized bowl along with salt and pepper and a little crushed garlic.
  2. Then stir until evenly all the ingredients you put in it, either by using a spoon or a tongue spoon evenly.
  3. Now pour the sago flour and white into it, stir and knead until the meat dough can be formed into small balls. Just make sure if your hands have been washed thoroughly before kneading the dough that you touch at this time.
  4. After the dough is formed into balls, now put the dough into a container or bowl evenly.
  5. Prepare the stew, wait until it boils and put the meat balls into the boiling water and if the meat balls have floated to the surface of the cooking water, that means you are ready to lift them from the stew.
  6. Prepare a frying pan, put oil in it and wait until the oil is hot and fry the boiled balls until browned and evenly cooked. Then set it aside for a while.

Also Read Recipes and How to Cook Hot and Delicious Dry Beef

How to Make Fried Meatball Soup:

  1. First, stir-fry spices such as onion and garlic in a saucepan that has been given a little oil. Then stir-fry until the spices emit a delicious aroma.
  2. After fragrant and browned, now put water in it and cook until the water boils, stirring occasionally.
  3. Then add all the vegetables that have been cut and cleaned and cook until the vegetables become more tender and evenly cooked.
  4. Add spices such as seasoning, salt, ground pepper and nutmeg powder into it. Taste the spices until they are evenly distributed.
  5. When the seasoning is right, now put the fried meat balls into it, cook for a while and remove when it's cooked.

Now you are ready to serve a dish of fried beef ball soup with a delicious clear sauce. Besides being served for adults, this dish is also suitable to be given to children because it contains meat and vegetables that are good for their health. That's the recipe and how to make a dish of fried meat ball soup, hopefully it's useful, mom.

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