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Pancong Cake Recipe

Pancong Cake Recipe - Pancong cake is certainly not foreign to us. This cake is one of the traditional cakes that has a soft and sweet texture. It tastes very delicious especially if you add various toppings on it.

We can find many pancong cake sellers. Even this pancong cake can be created by being served half cooked, then given a cheese topping.

Well, the pancong cake recipe itself is actually very practical. In addition, how to make it is also very easy. If you want to try making and serving pancong cakes for your family at home, you can see the recipe and how to make pancong cakes below.

Pancong Cake Recipe

This pancong cake is made from ingredients such as flour, eggs, coconut milk, sugar, margarine, baking powder and plain soda. All of these ingredients are beaten until they become the right cake batter. Then baked in pancong cake molds. Once cooked, you can add various toppings to make this dish even more delicious.

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, wet cakes, cake recipes
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour
Serving 35 pieces
Calories 74 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 2 tablespoons margarine, please melt
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 25 ml instant thick coconut milk
  • 200 grams of medium protein flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 125 ml fresh sparkling water


How to Make Pancong Cake

  1. First of all, please beat the ingredients such as sugar, eggs and salt until fluffy.

  2. Then add the ingredients such as baking powder and flour while sifting and beating slowly. Add alternately with coconut milk and fresh soda water.

  3. Next, please enter the margarine. Then shake evenly.

  4. Please prepare the pancong cake mold. Then spread margarine and heat.

  5. When it is heated, please pour the dough into the pancong cake mold.

  6. Close the mold and allow the dough to rise. If it's like that, please lift it.

  7. Then serve the pancong cake on a serving plate.

Recipe Notes

Tips for Making Pancong Cake

Let's look at some tips for making pancong cakes below for maximum results.

  • Before pouring the dough into the mold, make sure the mold is really hot. Avoid pouring the dough into molds that are still cold or have not been heated before.
  • You have to use a medium to low heat so the cake can rise and cook perfectly.
  • Make sure you pay attention to the time when baking pancong cakes. Don't take too long because you are afraid that the pancong cake will burn.
  • In order for the pancong cake dish to be more delicious, you can add various toppings according to taste. Some of the toppings that you can choose include cheese, chocolate, oreo and so on.
  • Enjoy this pancong cake dish with hot tea to make it more delicious.

The pancong cake dish is finished. Its soft texture and delicious taste are guaranteed to make you addicted. You can serve it while it's warm to make it more delicious. Good luck at home.

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