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Delicious And Refreshing Mango Candied Recipe

Delicious and Refreshing Mango Candied Recipe – When the weather is hot, eating sweet and refreshing foods will certainly feel delicious. One of them is candied mango. This candied mango has a delicious taste with a combination of spicy and salty flavors. dominant sweet and sour. Where this blend of flavors makes the candied mango dish very refreshing, especially if enjoyed when it is cold.

Candied mango itself is actually sold in many shops that provide candied mango. However, candied mango made yourself will certainly be more delicious. In addition, how to make it is also not difficult. Let's take a look at the delicious and refreshing candied mango recipe below.

Recipes and How to Make Fresh Mango Candies

Dessert _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Mango, Candied Mango, Candied Recipe
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour
4 servings _
Calories 321 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 1 kg of Indramayu mango
  • 5 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Ingredients For Syrup

  • 300 ml water
  • 200 grams of sugar


How to Make Candied Mango

  1. First of all, please take the mango you have provided. Then thinly slice.

  2. Please smear the sliced ​​mango with salt while kneading. If so, please wash it clean. Then set aside.

  3. Next please prepare the pan. Add sugar and water into it. Boil these ingredients until the sugar is dissolved and thick.

  4. If it's like that, please pour it over the mango. Then let stand overnight until the sugar syrup is absorbed.

  5. Then add the lemon juice. Stir until evenly distributed. Finally you can serve it.

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Recipes and How to Make Simple Candied Dried Mango

delicious and refreshing mango candied recipe

Materials needed

  • 1 young mango slightly yellow
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt

How to Make Candied Dried Mango

  1. After all the ingredients are ready, you can immediately make candied mango. Please take the mango that has been provided, then peel the skin. If so, thinly slice the mango to the size you like.
  2. The next step, please sprinkle the mango with salt. Then knead and let stand for about 1 hour.
  3. After that, please wash it clean. Then you can soak it in a sugar solution for about 1 day. You can store it in the refrigerator.
  4. Then please put candied mango on a tray. Then dry in the sun to dry for about 4 days.
  5. Once dry, you can store it in a jar. Then add the sugar and beat until the sugar sticks to the mango.
  6. Finally, you can serve it to your family at home.

The dried mango candied is finished and is perfect for a delicious, fresh snack.

Recipes and How to Make Spicy Young Mango Candies

delicious and refreshing mango candied recipe

Materials needed

  • 3 young mangoes
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 6 pieces of red chili
  • 2 curly red chilies
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 drop dark yellow food coloring
  • teaspoon whiting

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How to Make Spicy Pickled Mango

  1. The first time, please whiting is dissolved by using a little water. Then deposit.
  2. After that, take the clear water. If you have set it aside.
  3. Next, the mangoes that you have provided, please peel them. Then cut into sizes according to taste.
  4. Mango that has been cut into pieces, please soak in whiting water for about 30 minutes. If you have picked up.
  5. After that, rinse with water until clean. If it is drained and set aside first.
  6. Please take a pot and put water in it. Boil the water.
  7. Then add other ingredients such as chili paste, sugar, salt and yellow food coloring. Stir until evenly mixed and cook again until boiling.
  8. Please pour the boiled water in a container containing mangoes. Stir until evenly mixed.
  9. You can cool it at room temperature. Then store the candied mango in the refrigerator so that it absorbs even more.
  10. Finally, you can directly serve it.

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Tips for Making Candied Mango

  • The mango fruit used to make sweets is a young mango. You can choose a young mango with seeds that are still white.
  • Soaking the mango using whiting water aims to keep the mango crispy even though it has been soaked in hot sauce and sugar water.

Candied mango this one tastes very fresh. The combination of sweet, sour and spicy will spoil the tongue. If you want more spicy sweets, you can add chili according to taste.

Recipes and How to Make Candied Mango Apples

delicious and refreshing mango candied recipe

Materials needed

  • 2 large apple mangoes
  • 5 curly red chilies
  • 3 pieces of red chili
  • 300 grams of white sugar
  • enough vinegar
  • Salt to taste
  • 600 ml water

How to Make Candied Mango Apple

  1. The first time, please take the mango you have provided. Then peel the skin and slice thinly according to your taste.
  2. After that, dissolve the salt in the water. Then add the chopped mango into it. Soak the apple mango for about 1 hour.
  3. Next, please squeeze the soaked mango. Then wash it clean until the salt is gone.
  4. Please puree the chili. Then take a pot and add the water and sugar. Boil this sugar water along with the chili that has been mashed until it boils.
  5. When it boils, remove and wait for it to cool. Then add the mango pieces.
  6. Add the vinegar and let it sit for a few more minutes. Then you can store it in the refrigerator for a while.
  7. Finally you can serve it.

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Apple mango is one type of mango that you can choose to make pickles. The fresh pickled taste with crunchy mango texture is guaranteed to make you addicted, especially when the weather is hot.

Recipes and How to Make Candied Mango in Orange Sauce

delicious and refreshing mango candied recipe

Materials needed

  • 3 young mangoes
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 5 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 6 sweet oranges

How to Make Candied Orange Mango

  1. First, please take the young mango that you have provided. Then peel off the skin. If it's thinly sliced.
  2. Next add 1 tablespoon of salt while kneading until the mango becomes wilted. Leave it for about 3 minutes.
  3. Then wash the mango slices using clean water 3 times.
  4. After that, please boil the chili using water until it boils. If so, grind it.
  5. The next step, please squeeze the sweet orange and take advantage of the water.
  6. After that, please mix all the ingredients together.

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Candied mango with the addition of orange sauce tastes even more delicious. The spicy and fresh sensation of this sweet recipe will make anyone who enjoys it addicted.

Those are various recipes for delicious and fresh candied mangoes that you can easily follow at home. Good luck.

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