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Cooking Recipes And How To Make A Simple Sauteed Garlic Cauliflower

Kangkung is a green vegetable that can be found easily in traditional markets or at the nearest stall at a fairly affordable price.

Kangkung has always been the choice of housewives, this is because there are so many dishes or processed dishes that can be produced. Where among them is with vegetables, sauteed and so on. Even vegetables and stir-fried kale have various types or variants.

Well, just like on this occasion, where this time we will present a recipe for stir-fried kale and garlic. Sauteed kale with garlic is the simplest dish of processed kale. But even so, the taste of stir-fried kale on this one will not be as delicious as other types of stir-fried kale.

Because this garlic kale stir-fry is a simple dish, that's why the process of making it is very easy. The ingredients and spices needed are also very simple, where you only have to prepare kale because the other spices needed are of course already available at home.

You can serve this garlic kale stir-fry as an alternative menu for lunch or dinner. Are you curious about the recipe and how to make it? If that's the case, then you can immediately refer to the recipe and how to make a simple stir-fried kale with garlic below.

cooking recipes and how to make a simple sauteed garlic cauliflower

Recipe Name

Cooking Recipes and How to Make a Simple Garlic Sauteed Kangkung

4.7 180

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients and Seasonings for Making Simple Garlic Sauteed Kangkung

Main Ingredients Sauteed Kangkung Cah Garlic

  • 300 grams of kale
  • 5 pieces of garlic
  • 100 ml water
  • Oil for frying

Also Read Recipes and How to Cook Stir-fried Kangkung Cob Suwir which is delicious and delicious

Seasoning Sauteed Kangkung Cah Garlic

  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon stock powder

How to make a simple stir-fried kale with garlic

How to Prepare Ingredients and Seasonings for Sauteed Kangkung Cah Garlic

  1. The first step is, take the kale that you have prepared. Then noon the kale. If so, wash it thoroughly using water. After that drain.
  2. Peel the garlic that you have prepared. Then crush and chop the garlic until smooth.

How to Make/Cook Stir-fried Kangkung with Garlic

  1. If you have prepared the ingredients and spices as above, then the next step that must be done is to prepare a frying pan on the stove. Then add enough cooking oil. Heat the oil, once hot add the garlic. Then saute the garlic until fragrant.
  2. After the garlic smells good, add the kale that you have cleaned and wash. Then stir the kale until slightly wilted.
  3. If it is like that, add water and spices such as salt and powdered broth. Stir well until the spices are dissolved. Then cook again until completely cooked. When it is cooked, remove and serve on a serving plate that has been prepared.

This recipe for stir-fried kale and garlic has been completed. You can eat this stir fry warm with warm rice as well.

That's the recipe and how to make a simple stir-fried kale with garlic. After reading this recipe, you can immediately make it easily at home. Don't forget to share this recipe with your friends and family by clicking the share button.

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