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Chewy, Delicious And Delicious Kikil Recipes

Chewy, Delicious and Delicious Kikil Recipes – Chewy, soft and delicious, that's what you will feel when you eat gravel dishes. Beef kikil can be processed into a variety of delicious dishes for the menu. For those of you who want to serve it at home, here we present a variety of chewy, delicious and delicious kikil recipes that you can follow at home. There are simple oseng-oseng kikil recipes, Padang kikil curry, firecracker kikil, sweet spicy kikil spices and so on.

Well, for those of you who are curious as to what the recipe is and how to make it, you can immediately refer to the discussion below.

Chewy, Delicious and Delicious Kikil Recipes

Delicious Kikil Oseng-Oseng Recipe

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Kikil Recipe, Kikil Serving, Stir Fry Kikil
Preparation Time 40 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
5 serving
Calories 240 kcal


Ingredients Needed To Make Oseng-Oseng Kikil

  • 300 grams of kikil
  • 2 green tomatoes
  • 3 large green chilies
  • enough cooking oil
  • 200 ml


Required Seasonings

  • 4 red onions
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cm galangal
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 3/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper


How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. The first step, please clean the gravel that you have provided. Clean the gravel of dirt that is still stuck under running water. If it is clean, you can drain it first.

  2. Next, take a large green chili. Then burn and cut into 2 cm. After that, please split it into two parts.

  3. Then thinly slice the onion and garlic. Then bruise the galangal.

  4. The next step, please remove the orange leaf bone. Then take the white part of the lemongrass stalk and slice it.

  5. Bruise also the ginger that you have provided. Then cut the green tomatoes to the size you like.

  6. Roast black pepper. Then grind coarsely.

How to Make Oseng-Oseng Kikil

  1. Please provide a pot that has been filled with 1,000 ml of water. Then boil the gravel that you have cleaned with tsp of salt and 1 stalk of lemongrass, 2 cm of ginger, and 2 bay leaves. Boil until cooked and tender kikil. If it's like that, discard the boiled water gravel.

  2. The next step please provide a frying pan. Then pour about 1 tablespoon of oil. Heat the oil until it's bubbling.

  3. When the oil is hot, please add the onion, garlic, galangal, bay leaf, lemon grass, lime leaves and ginger. Stir until fragrant. Then add the chopped green tomatoes. Then stir again until the tomatoes wilt.

  4. After that, take the gravel that you have cleaned and cut into pieces. Then add it to the spice mix. Stir until evenly distributed.

  5. Then add the big green chilies. Stir until evenly distributed.

  6. Next, add the water in the amount that has been determined along with the other spices that have been provided such as black pepper, sweet soy sauce, salt and sugar. Stir well and cook until the gravel is cooked and the spices are absorbed.

  7. If it is cooked, you can immediately lift it and serve it at the serving place that you have provided.

Oseng-oseng gravel has been completed. The delicious and delicious taste will really spoil the tongue. Enjoy while warm with a plate of warm rice to make it more tasteful.

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