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Tips For Storing The Right Kitchen Spices To Last Long

Tips for Storing the Right Kitchen Spices to Last Long  – The enjoyment and taste of a dish lies in the spices. Complementary materials like this are considered to be important ingredients to have.

For example, shallots and garlic, chilies, tomatoes, ginger, galangal and so on are part of the spices. Moreover, the taste of Indonesian cuisine is always unique with a variety of various spices. Therefore, the provision of spices is an important thing that needs to be considered properly.

Rich and fresh kitchen spices will certainly have a direct impact on the food and the aroma of the dishes made. Unfortunately, mothers are often confused about storing kitchen spices when buying enough stock.

But don't worry, below we provide some tips for storing the correct kitchen spices to make them last longer. Like what? Let's see below. Also read: Tips To Make Ketupat Durable and Not Easily Stale

tips for storing the right kitchen spices to last long

Tips for Storing the Right Kitchen Spices to Last Long

1. Seasoning Grains

One type of kitchen spice that is often used is seasoning in the form of grains. Some of the spices that are often used include coriander, pepper grains and many more. Almost all types of dishes made from fish and meat ingredients often involve these various spices to give a more delicious and steady taste.

Well, this type of cooking spice is basically a material that is fairly durable when stored. It's just that, it's easy to be exposed to the name of fungi and attacks from insects if you don't pay close attention to how to store grain seeds properly.

For her, mothers need to store this kind of seasoning in a closed and protected from liquid. Put it in a jar and make sure it's tightly closed. After each use, make sure the spice container is tightly closed and stored in a safe place exposed to enough sunlight to avoid humid temperatures.

2. Onion and Spices

Similar to grain spices, spices are part of the spices that are almost never separated from various Indonesian specialties. Some of the ingredients included in the spices include turmeric, galangal, kencur, onion, garlic, nutmeg and many more.

Usually because of its frequent use, most people will buy this material in large quantities to be used as stock at home. Well, unfortunately, if you don't pay attention to the right steps for storing spices, they will easily rot and dry out. As a result, the freshness of these ingredients will disappear and when used, the taste of the dish will feel less delicious.

For this reason, various types of spices should not be placed in places that are exposed to excessive sunlight. In addition, also avoid placing this material in a room that is too humid because it will rot easily.

We recommend that, at the time of purchase, immediately remove these materials from the crackle and place them in an open container without washing them. Mother and mother can wash it when they will use this material. In order to do so, there will be no residual water that makes the temperature of this spice material low. Because this will invite a faster decay process.

Also Read Tips for Storing Shallots properly and correctly so that they don't rot easily

3. Foliage Kitchen Seasoning

As we know that various types of Indonesian cuisine are always unique with a variety of various spices and herbs. Including one of them is a kitchen spice from the type of leaves. Of course, to be able to keep all herbs and spices fresh even though they are stored for a long time, it is important to pay attention to tips for storing spices properly.

Several types of herbs from leaves include bay leaves, lime leaves, pandan, lemongrass and many more. Especially for this one kitchen material, you should place it in a container that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Because the sun's rays will change the color and texture of the leaves to dry. For this reason, he explained, you can place these ingredients in the refrigerator at a temperature that is not too low. But before that, make sure that you clean and wash it first to avoid the spread of bacteria.

4. Assorted Chili Seasoning

Not only the type of leaves, chili is also often used as a spice ingredient that is involved in processing various types of dishes. For example, curry, curry and other spiced dishes. Moreover, the taste of Indonesian cuisine which is dominated by spicy lovers, usually this one spice ingredient is always available.

So how do you store this one spice so that it lasts a long time? One strategy that can be done is to put this material in the refrigerator. Because the temperature in the refrigerator is quite low, it will be able to maintain the freshness of this seasoning ingredient.

On the other hand, placing a variety of chilies outside will likely make the chilies dry out easily. Especially if you only put this material in a closed container and not put it in the refrigerator. So what might happen is that this seasoning material will rot easily.

5. Tomato and Lime

Maybe all this time, not a few of you have often kept these two kitchen ingredients in the refrigerator with the assumption that these ingredients will certainly be fresher and last longer. But in fact, this is wrong and must be considered carefully and change the way tomatoes and limes are stored in a new way.

For lime ingredients, you might be able to place this ingredient in the refrigerator to keep the limes fresh. It's just that, for tomatoes you should pay close attention so as not to place them in the refrigerator. Instead, store tomatoes in an open container and make sure they are out of the sun.

Tips for Storing Kitchen Spices in General

Well, above we have explained tips for storing good kitchen spices so that they last long. The tips above are divided based on the type of spice in the kitchen itself. However, there are other general tips that are important to pay close attention to. What are the tips like? Let's look at the information below.

Keep away from direct sunlight

The first important tip that needs to be considered well for those of you who want to store kitchen spices is to pay attention not to place spices in places that are exposed to direct sunlight. This is because, exposure to sunlight will make the spices quickly change color, dry out and trigger the process of decay.

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Therefore, it is important to pay attention so that the remaining kitchen spices can still be used and can still function properly. So that mothers and mothers do not need to buy again every time they need the same type of seasoning.

Keep away from the Stove

The effect of the stove on the spices that are stored will be the same as the radiation of the sun. Especially if you turn on the fire on the stove with a high temperature and some of the fire radiates to the surrounding kitchen spices. Then this will be able to make the spices dry.

Dry spices will usually reduce the aroma when included in cooking. So you will find it difficult to measure the right dose when using these spices. Especially for vegetables that wilt easily.

Place Certain Types of Seasonings in Certain Containers

In addition to spices and other seasoning ingredients, our cooking is never separated from the use of salt, sugar and flavoring to give flavor to the dishes that are made. For this type of kitchen spice, you can't store it carelessly. Because this will make it possible for this seasoning to be easily mixed with other ingredients.

Therefore, put this kitchen spice in a closed container to be safe. In addition to the spices will not be mixed with other ingredients, this will also prevent the spices from quickly spilling or being filled with liquid which will make the spices to clump.

Label the Seasoning Containers

Usually when storing spices in several containers, someone will tend to have difficulty memorizing the various types of spices they place. Especially for the types of spices that are powdered or finely made. Like mashed garlic and so are the onions and other ingredients.

Making ground spices will indeed help us and make it easier for us when cooking. Thus, we do not need to grind or refine the type of seasoning needed. You just need to pour and mix the spices with other ingredients.

However, it is undeniable that when we want to use it, we are often confused to distinguish one spice from another. Well, to overcome this one problem, you can use a label on each spice storage package. So that it is easier for you to use it.

Replace Crackle Immediately with a Container

When buying kitchen spices, we usually use crackle as packaging or containers when we want to take the spices home. Various types of spices, especially fresh ingredients such as spices, herbs, etc., should not be placed in crackle packaging. Because this is not a good and appropriate place to keep the spices durable and long lasting.

On the contrary, the use of crackle bags is not able to absorb the steam that comes out of the herbs and spices you buy. As a result, the temperature in the crackle bag will become humid and steamy. This will cause the temperature to become humid and accelerate the process of spoilage in the spices you buy.

Therefore, immediately replace the crackle bag that came with the spices you bought and replace it with an open container. In addition, not all seasoning ingredients will be well cleaned and washed before being stored.

Because in fact some ingredients such as onions and other ingredients can be directly sorted and stored without needing to be cleaned. You can do this cleaning process when you want to use this material.

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