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Recipe For Spicy And Delicious Yellow Pickled Mackerel Fish

The typical dish of mackerel this time is using yellow pickled spices that have a spicy and delicious taste.

Mackerel, a fish that lives in seawater, is caught by many fishermen, because it has a good selling value. Mackerel is widely spread out in marine waters in Indonesia, so it is not difficult to find and catch it. Mackerel is also widely spread and freely sold in traditional markets or supermarkets, making it easier for those of you who like mackerel fish dishes.

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Mackerel is usually used to make pempek or meatballs, but nowadays there are many variants of mackerel fish dishes, one of which is spicy and sour mackerel, sweet and sour mackerel, grilled mackerel and many more dishes with the basic ingredients of this mackerel. The pleasure and delicacy of mackerel meat is one of the reasons for culinary lovers to taste it, besides the taste of this mackerel, it has many benefits for the health of the body. Many nutrients are obtained, one of which is high in protein and also other content that is good for the body.

Well, for those of you who like mackerel dishes, now we present a yellow pickled mackerel dish. This yellow pickle seasoning consists of a mixture of several spice ingredients processed in such a way that it gives off a delicious taste. Curious about the recipe and how to make this yellow pickled mackerel fish dish, here are the steps.

recipe for spicy and delicious yellow pickled mackerel fish

Recipe Name

Recipe for Spicy and Delicious Yellow Pickled Mackerel Fish

4.7 123

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

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Ingredients needed to make Spicy and Delicious Yellow Spicy Mackerel Fish Cuisine


  • 500 grams of fresh mackerel
  • 1 lime
  • 10 red onions
  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 3 red chilies, sliced ​​round
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 finger ginger, chopped
  • 5 pecans, roasted
  • 1 knuckle of turmeric, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • 200 cc of water
  • Right amount of oil

How to make spicy and delicious yellow pickled mackerel fish dish

How to cook

  1. The first thing to do is wash the fish thoroughly, then cut it into 8 parts or according to your taste, then coat with lime.
  2. Next is to heat the cooking oil, then fry the mackerel until cooked, remove and drain.
  3. After that, make the spices, using a pestle, garlic, ground pepper, ginger, candlenut, turmeric and salt until smooth.
  4. After that, heat the cooking oil to sauté the ground spices, cook until fragrant, then add the red onion, cayenne pepper, red chili, lemongrass, sugar, then vinegar and water, mix well until it boils.
  5. After boiling, add the fried mackerel, stir until the sauce thickens and seeps into the mackerel meat.
  6. Cooked, removed and ready to be served.

That's the spicy and delicious Yellow Pickled Mackerel Fish Recipe that you can try at home. Easy-to-find ingredients and a very simple way of making this dish make this dish even more delicious and delicious when eaten. To complete your meal menu, you can add several other dishes in the form of stir-fried kale or according to your family's taste. The spicy taste is one of the characteristics of this yellow pickled mackerel fish dish, hopefully it will be useful and good luck.

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