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Recipe For Cakalang Pampis, Manado's Typical Tasty And Simple

If you want to try Manado's signature skipjack tuna, we will present you pampis skipjack tuna.

Skipjack tuna is one of the fish that is in great demand by many culinary lovers. In addition to its delicious taste, this skipjack tuna has dense flesh, but it also has a myriad of health benefits. One of the content contained in skipjack tuna is high protein coupled with other content in the form of omega 3 which is very good for the growth and development of the child. In addition, as for the benefits of consuming skipjack tuna, it is able to prevent anemia, then rheumatism and is able to prevent dull skin. Because it is highly recommended to consume skipjack tuna in your daily menu.

Talking about various fish dishes, especially skipjack tuna, of course, it is very diverse, starting from the ingredients and how to process them. Well, we present Pampis cuisine, one of the dishes that comes from Manado and this dish is a traditional dish. With the main ingredients of skipjack tuna coupled with very simple ingredients typical of Manado, this food makes this food more special and also delicious when eaten.

recipe for cakalang pampis, manado's typical tasty and simple

Recipe Name

Recipe for Cakalang Pampis, Manado's Typical Tasty and Simple

4.6 98

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Cakalang Pampis Typical Manado Delicious and Simple

The main ingredient

  • 500 grams of skipjack
  • 2 limes (take the juice)
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 scallion
  • Right amount of oil

Seasoning Ingredients Pureed

  • 6 red onions
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 8 pieces of red chili
  • 15 pieces of red curly chili
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 finger ginger

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How to make delicious and simple Manado Pampis Cakalang Cuisine

How to cook

  1. Skipjack tuna must first be cleaned, then steamed until cooked.
  2. After the skipjack tuna is cooked, shred the meat, then store it in a container and then squeeze the lime juice, stir until evenly distributed.
  3. Then heat the cooking oil, then stir-fry the mashed seasoning ingredients, then add the scallions and lemongrass, cook until fragrant.
  4. After that enter the skipjack that has been shredded, then stir until blended. Cook on low heat until dry.
  5. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the delicious and simple Cakalang Pampis Manado Cuisine that you can try at home. For the processing of skipjack pampis fish, it is very simple and does not require a lot of time, besides that the ingredients and spices are very easy to get. Serve and serve this Manadonese specialty skipjack pampis along with warm white rice, coupled with other foods that suit your family's appetite, of course, making your dinner more special and special. By making delicious and simple Manado Pampis Cakalang Cuisine, of course adding to the collection in your daily menu. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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