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Crispy, Delicious And Practical Roti Canai Recipe

Roti Canai Recipe is Crispy, Delicious and Practical – Roti canai is a culinary originating from India. This bread can be served in two variations, namely salty, savory and sweet. Usually this bread is combined with meat curry or added with grated cheese, sweetened condensed milk, meises and so on.

Then there are many variations of other roti canai recipes that serve different and more delicious dishes. Well, for those of you who want to feel the pleasure of roti canai, you don't need to buy it because you can try to make it yourself at home. How to make it practical with ingredients that are easy to find. Let's look at the various roti canai recipes below, including a simple roti canai recipe, a roti canai recipe in curry sauce and a chocolate cheese roti canai recipe.

Recipes and How to Make Simple Roti Canai

Snack _
Indian cuisine
Keywords various bread recipes, bread recipes, Bread
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour
5 serving
Calories 242 kcal


Materials needed

  • 250 grams of high protein flour
  • 1 egg _
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 75 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 75 grams of unsalted butter
  • 75 grams of margarine
  • 50 ml cooking oil for greasing


How to Make Simple Roti Canai

  1. First of all, please prepare the container that will be used to make the dough. Then enter the ingredients into it such as flour, eggs, salt, oil, margarine and water. Knead all these ingredients until evenly mixed and smooth.

  2. Next, the dough is already smooth, please slam it until it is elastic. For the dough please weigh each as much as 50 grams. Then form a round and let stand for about 1 hour.

  3. Please spread the dough out on a table that you previously smeared with oil. Spread the dough thin.

  4. Then butter is spread irregularly. Then roll the dough. You can shape it into a circle.

  5. Prepare a non-stick pan and give a little unsalted butter. Then cook the rolled bread in the pan while pressing it using a spatula.

  6. Wait for a few moments until it is cooked and turns brown in color.

  7. After that, you can lift it and let it sit for a while until it's not too hot. Last serve.

With the roti canai recipe above, now you don't have to buy it if you want to enjoy it. Because you can make it yourself at home easily.

Recipes and How to Make Delicious Curry Sauce Roti Canai

crispy, delicious and practical roti canai recipe

Bread Roll Ingredients Needed

  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 50 ml cooking oil
  • 1 tbsp milk powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150 ml of warm water
  • Margarine to taste
  • Right amount of oil

Ingredients for Making Curry Sauce

  • 200 ml coconut milk
  • 3 tbsp curry powder
  • 50 grams of tomato puree
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 150 ml Boiled water
  • 2 tsp mushroom stock powder
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 5 bay leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 piece of onion
  • 1 tsp clove
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • Enough cooking oil for frying

How to Make Roti Canai

  1. If all the ingredients and spices are ready, you can immediately make roti canai. Please prepare the container that will be used to make the dough. Then into the container enter the ingredients such as warm water, chicken eggs and cooking oil. Shake and stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
  2. Next please add flour, powdered sugar, salt and powdered milk. Knead the bread dough until it is smooth and not sticky.
  3. Then the dough please rounded according to taste.
  4. Soak the dough using cooking oil. Leave it for about 1 hour.
  5. After the bread dough has been soaked, the next step is to flatten the dough until it is really thin. Spread the butter evenly.
  6. Please roll the dough, then pull the dough so that it is longer.
  7. Roll the dough again in the opposite direction until the shape resembles the letter s. Stack the dough together.
  8. The next step, please flatten the dough using the palm of the hand.
  9. Take a teflon or flat nonstick skillet. Bake the bread until it turns brown on both sides.
  10. After that, please lift.

Also Read Recipes & How to Make Fried Bread Balls Filled with Crispy and Savory Cheese Meat

How to make curry sauce

  1. Please chop the garlic and onions that you have provided. Then crush the lemongrass.
  2. Next take a frying pan and pour about 3 tablespoons of cooking oil. Then heat it up.
  3. Once hot, add the chopped garlic and onions. Stir well and stir fry until fragrant.
  4. After that, please enter the lemongrass along with the lime leaves and bay leaves. Stir until evenly mixed.
  5. Add various other ingredients such as tomato puree, curry powder and coconut milk. Stir for a while.
  6. Add water along with various other spices such as pepper, salt, cloves and chili powder. Stir again until smooth.
  7. Cook the curry until it is bubbling. If it's like that, please lift and serve in a serving place.
  8. You can strain the curry sauce to separate out the spices.
  9. Finally, you can serve it along with the roti canai that has been made.

The roti canai curry sauce dish is finished. The taste is delicious and distinctive will make you addicted. Let's serve these different dishes for the family at home.

Also read: Beef Meatball Soup Recipe

Recipes and How to Make Chocolate Rolled Bread

crispy, delicious and practical roti canai recipe

Materials needed

  • 325 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 1.5 tbsp sugar
  • 4 tbsp melted margarine
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Additional Ingredients

  • Cheese to taste
  • Chocolate to taste
  • Enough cooking oil for soaking

How to Make Chocolate Rolled Bread

  1. First of all, please mix the bread ingredients as mentioned above in a bowl. Then knead all the ingredients until smooth or not sticky.
  2. Then let it rest for about 30 minutes. If so, please divide the dough into 8 parts. Then form a round and soak in cooking oil, let stand again for about 2 hours.
  3. After that, please take one dough. Then flatten.
  4. Next, roll out the dough thinly and spread with margarine. Then the center of the dough please cut with a knife.
  5. Please roll the dough and stretch it lengthwise. Roll on both sides in opposite directions. Next please stack them together.
  6. Do the same for the roti rolls filled with chocolate or cheese. However, do not cut the middle and do not grind too thin so that the contents do not leak.
  7. If the dough has been printed, please flatten the dough.
  8. Then the roti canai is baked on a Teflon pan, back and forth until it is cooked.
  9. Cook over medium heat until the bread is cooked and turns brown.
  10. Finally, you can serve it in a serving place.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Special Sesame Chocolate Layer Cakes

Chocolate cheese roll rolls are done. The sweet and savory taste will spoil the tongue. You can make this chocolate cheese rolled bread dish as a treat for the family.

Those are some crispy, delicious and practical roti canai recipes. Easy isn't it? Good luck at home.


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