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A Practical Yellow Seasoned Fried Sepat Fish Recipe

Who is not familiar with this type of fish, freshwater fish in the form of sepat fish.

This small fish and has a small mouth sometimes makes it very difficult for anglers to get it. Sepat fish are usually found in ponds, in rivers, lakes or in swamps, and to get them, it is better to use nets or nets because these sepat fish usually live in groups.

Although this sepat fish has a small shape, this sepat fish has good nutritional content for health. As we know that every fish has a high protein content, and contains omega 3, vitamins and many more that are needed by the body. Well, sepat fish is one of the fish that is very popular among the people of Indonesia, because it is almost spread this sepat fish throughout the archipelago. Sepat fish is also very good in any way and is very delicious when cooked. Want to know how to cook sepat fish by making it fried and seasoned with yellow spices which is very practical, and this is very suitable for you as a beginner in processing a dish. Well this time we will give you the recipe and how to make it,

a practical yellow seasoned fried sepat fish recipe

Recipe Name

Easy Yellow Seasoned Fried Sepat Fish Recipe

4.9 263

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 Servings

Ingredients needed to make a Practical Yellow Spice Fried Sepat Fish Cuisine

The main ingredient

  • 4 fresh sepat fish
  • right amount of oil

Also Read Recipes for Making Spicy Spicy Spicy Fish

Subtle Seasoning Ingredients

  • 4 red onions
  • 2 pieces of garlic
  • 2 hazelnuts
  • 1 turmeric finger
  • pepper to taste
  • salt to taste
  • enough seasoning

How to Make a Practical Yellow Seasoned Fried Fish Sepat

How to cook

  1. The first is to clean the sepat fish, remove the contents of the stomach, wash it thoroughly.
  2. After that the sepat fish that has been prepared in a container (basin) is mixed with the yellow spice ingredients that have been mashed, stir until evenly distributed. Let stand for a while for the spices to infuse
  3. After that heat the cooking oil, then until cooked and dry.
  4. Fried sepat fish is ready to be served.

That's the Practical Yellow Seasoned Fried Sepat Fish Recipe that you can try to make at home. These easy-to-find ingredients and simple and practical processing methods make many people want to try cooking them at home. Simple cooking coupled with very simple seasoning ingredients but still maintaining the delicacy and distinctive aroma of this yellow spice. Serve fried sepat fish with yellow spices along with warm white rice coupled with crackers to make vegetable dishes in the form of the basic ingredients of this sepat fish that will arouse your appetite. By making this yellow spiced fried fish dish, of course, your collection will increase. Hopefully useful and good luck.

Don't forget to share the Practical Yellow Seasoned Fried Sepat Fish Recipe to all delicious culinary lovers, both your relatives, relatives and friends wherever they are, and don't forget to also leave a comment in the column we have provided below, thank you.

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