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Tips For Storing Food To Stay Healthy, Nutritious And Not Toxic

To facilitate the work, usually many housewives cook food in large quantities as supplies or stock.

However, the fact is that storing food for too long will make the food spoil easily and lose its content. Even if you want it like that, when you store it, you must know in advance the tips for storing good and correct food so that the food does not turn into poison.

So what are the tips for storing food so that it stays healthy and doesn't turn into poison? To find out, you can see the direct discussion below.

tips for storing food to stay healthy, nutritious and not toxic

Don't keep food on the table for too long

After cooking or after eating usually many mothers forget not to store their food properly. Where the food is left on the dining table for quite a long time. This kind of situation will certainly make it easy for bacteria to breed in food, so that food will become damaged and dangerous if consumed. The situation will get worse if the food is not stored properly and is made of meat, fish, eggs and so on.

Store food in the refrigerator

So that food remains durable and avoids bacteria that will contaminate food, it is recommended to store food in the refrigerator or refrigerator. Refrigerated food will be free from bacteria. In addition, food poisoning can also be avoided. However, the thing that must be considered is that you don't store the food too late, because if the cooling process is delayed, bacteria will easily grow and will make the food go stale quickly and don't last long. Even these bacteria will survive if the heating process is not done properly.

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Store food in closed containers

When storing food, there is one thing you must pay attention to so that food is durable and durable. Store food in closed containers or places. If the food is packaged properly in a closed place, you can immediately store it in the refrigerator. The right temperature for storing these foods is below 4 degrees Celsius. However, if you are going to store food as stock, so that the food lasts longer, store it in the freezer to freeze. Freeze food 2 hours after cooking. Food stored in the refrigerator will last approximately 4 days. Meanwhile, food stored in the freezer or frozen lasts up to 4 months.

Heat the food

If you want to heat food, then you can. However, heating the food just once is enough. Because heating food over and over again will actually make the content and nutrients of the food disappear, and the risk of poisoning will be greater.

Tips for heating food so it doesn't turn into poison

When you want to heat food that has been stored in the refrigerator, it would be better if you let it first until it reaches room temperature. If it's like that, you can cook the food over low heat. The purpose of heating it using low heat is so that the content and nutrients are not damaged. When heated, do not forget to cover it so that the moisture of the heated food is maintained.

Those are tips for storing and heating food to keep it healthy. May be useful.

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