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Tender Jengkol Rendang Recipe

Tender Jengkol Rendang Recipe – Many people don't like jengkol, but many also like it. Jengkol can be processed into various delicious dishes, one of which is made rendang. Rendang jengkol itself has a delicious taste with a rich and spicy seasoning. Enjoyed with a plate of warm rice will make your meal more appetizing. Want to try making delicious and tender rendang jengkol at home? Let's see the recipe and how to make rendang jengkol below.

Also read: Delicious Anchovy Jengkol Balado Recipe

Tender Jengkol Rendang Recipe

Jengkol rendang is made with a variety of selected herbs and spices. The spices that have been mashed are then sauteed, cooked with jengkol, added with coconut milk so that it tastes more savory and delicious.

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Jengkol, Processed Jengkol, Jengkol Recipe
Preparation Time 13 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour
30 servings _
Calories 317 kcal


The Main Ingredients Needed To Make Rendang Jengkol

  • 1 kg jengkol
  • 4 grains of kandis acid
  • 3 lemongrass stalks
  • 4 lime leaves
  • 2 pieces of turmeric leaves
  • 3 coconuts _
  • enough cooking oil

Required Seasoning 

  • 50 grams of garlic
  • 100 grams of red onion
  • 2 cardamom grains
  • 10 hazelnuts _
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 6 cm galangal
  • 250 grams of big red chili
  • 5 cloves _


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. First, please take the jengkol that you have provided. Then peel off the shell. Wash until clean.

  2. Next, grate the coconut and make 500 ml thick coconut milk, and 1.5 liters of thin coconut milk.

  3. After that, crush the lemongrass. Then grind or grind all the spices for rendang.

How to Make Jengkol Rendang

  1. After everything is ready, the next step is to make rendang jengkol. Please boil water in a pot. Then enter the jengkol and boil until the jengkol is soft. After that, please lift and drain.

  2. Take a frying pan that will be used for cooking. Then pour enough cooking oil to fry the spices. Please heat the cooking oil.

  3. After the oil is hot, add the ground spices along with the turmeric leaves, lime leaves and lemongrass. Stir well and saute until the aroma is fragrant.

  4. Next please pour the thin coconut milk. Stir evenly and bring to a boil.

  5. Enter the jengkol that has been boiled earlier. Stir evenly.

  6. Also add kandis acid. Stir well and cook over medium heat until the gravy is reduced and oily.

  7. If it's like that, please pour thick coconut milk. Stir again until evenly mixed and the spices are oily.

  8. Then you can lift it and serve it on a serving stand.

Recipe Notes

Tips for Making Jengkol Rendang

There are some tips that you should pay attention to when making rendang jengkol like the following.

  • Choose a medium jengkol, do not jengkol that is too old or too young. You can buy jengkol that has been peeled to make processing it easier.
  • In addition, so that the jengkol does not smell, you have to peel and wash the jengkol until it is completely clean.
  • Before cooking jengkol you can soak the jengkol first overnight using cold water, white milk or whiting water.
  • To get rid of the smell and make jengkol more tender, you can boil jengkol with bay leaves.
  • In addition to bay leaves, you can also use lime leaves to get rid of the smell of jengkol.

That's the recipe and how to make rendang jengkol which is tender and delicious. Now, to serve a different and more delicious jengkol dish for the family, you can try making a jengkol rendang dish with the recipe above. Good luck.

Also Read The Delicious Anchovy Jengkol Balado Recipe

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