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Special Recipe For Making Spicy Balado Mackerel Fish Masakan

Mackerel is one of the fish that is in great demand because it has delicious meat.

Mackerel fish that live in the sea has always been the target of every culinary lover. The delicacy of this mackerel is what makes culinary lovers always serve a variety of dishes with the basic ingredients of mackerel. Mackerel is one of the typical fish that is usually used to make the basic ingredients of pempek. However, this mackerel can be processed in various ways, recipes and processing methods. Apart from the delicacy of the meat, this mackerel is believed to have many benefits for the health of the body, so it is not uncommon for many people to consume it.

There are many variants of dishes with mackerel, one of which is fried mackerel, grilled mackerel and there is also mackerel balado. What we will discuss this time is the spicy balado mackerel fish dish, and it is very suitable for those of you who like spicy dishes. The delicious and delicious taste of this balado fish will certainly arouse your appetite. Well, for those of you who like mackerel fish dishes, now we present a spicy balado mackerel fish dish, here's the recipe and how to make it.

See other recipes : Pempek Recipe

special recipe for making spicy balado mackerel fish masakan

Recipe Name

Special Recipe for Making Spicy Balado Mackerel Fish Masakan

4.7 106

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Spicy Balado Mackerel Fish Cuisine

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 500 grams of fresh mackerel
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 lime (squeezed)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon sour water
  • right amount of oil

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Coarse mash ingredients

  • 10 red onions
  • 10 pieces of red chili
  • 5 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 1 large tomato

How to Make Spicy Balado Mackerel Fish Masakan

How to cook

  1. The first thing is to wash the fresh mackerel until clean, then cut it according to your taste, then coat it with salt to taste and also lime juice, then let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  2. After that, heat the cooking oil to fry the mackerel until it is cooked and the color is brown, then set aside.
  3. After that, heat the cooking oil and then stir-fry the coarsely ground ingredients, then add the bay leaves, then the lime leaves and lemongrass until they smell good.
  4. After that, just enter the mackerel, stir until evenly distributed, then add additional ingredients in the form of salt, pepper powder, sugar and sour water, cook until the spices are absorbed and also cooked
  5. Balado mackerel fish is ready to be served.

That's the Special Recipe for Making Spicy Balado Mackerel Fish that you can try at home. With ingredients that are easy to find and very simple processing methods. This mackerel balado certainly has a delicious taste when eaten that makes you feel addicted. Good luck.

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