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Resep Kolak Pisang Gula Merah Yang Manis Untuk Buka Puasa

Resep Kolak Pisang Gula Merah  – Kolak identik dengan bulan puasa. Hidangan manis yang bisa dibuat dari berbagai bahan ini memiliki rasa yang lezat dan menjadi hidangan khas saat buka puasa. Ketika bulan puasa, banyak pedagang kolak yang bisa kita jumpai.

Kolak biasanya terbuat dari bahan-bahan seperti pisang, ubi, singkong dan lain sebagainya. Kolak pisang menjadi salah satu sajian kolak yang banyak disukai. Rasa pisang yang khas berpadu dengan kuah manis terasa sangat lezat. Apalagi ditambahkan dengan bahan pelengkap yang lainnya seperti kolang kaling, pacar cina dan lain sebagainya.

When making compote, you can add sugar or brown sugar as a sweetener. Compote with the addition of brown sugar usually tastes more delicious and distinctive. You can try using brown sugar when making compote.

Well, on this occasion we present a recipe and how to make a sweet and delicious brown sugar banana compote for breaking the fast. To find out, let's see the recipe and how to make it below.

See also : How to Make Banana Cheese

Recipe for Sweet Brown Sugar Banana Compote for Iftar

Appetizer _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Banana compote, iftar recipe, compote recipe
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
8 serving
Calories 163 kcal


The main ingredients needed to make brown sugar banana compote

  • 2 bananas _
  • 200 grams of red sweet potato
  • 3 tbsp chinese henna 
  • 400 grams of brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 500 ml coconut milk taken from 1 coconut
  • 200 grams of pumpkin
  • 2,000 ml of water
  • 3 pandan leaves
  • 100 grams of kolang kaling


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. First of all, take the bananas that you have provided. Then peel the banana and cut into slices about 2 to 3 cm thick. Set aside.

  2. After that, peel the pumpkin and cut into squares. Set aside.

  3. Then peel the red potatoes. Cut another box. Set aside.

  4. For kolang kaling you can cut it into 3 long parts.

  5. After that, finely comb the brown sugar and tie the pandan leaves.

How to Make Brown Sugar Banana Compote

  1. First, please take a small pot that you will use to make compote. Then add water along with other ingredients such as red sweet potato, pumpkin, pandan leaves, brown sugar and salt. Bring all ingredients to a boil.

  2. After the water boils, you can add other ingredients such as banana horn, kolang kaling and Chinese girlfriend. Stir again until smooth. You can cook it using low heat until it absorbs.

  3. Next, enter the coconut milk that you have provided. Then cook until boiling.

  4. If it's like that, you can lift it and serve it in a serving place that has been provided. You can serve this brown sugar banana compote for iftar.

The delicious brown sugar banana compote is finished. It tastes sweet with a variety of additional ingredients that are complete will arouse the taste buds. You can also add various other ingredients according to taste. If you don't like it too sweet, you can reduce the sugar or add more if you like it sweet.

Also read: Salak Seed compote recipe

That's the recipe and how to make an easy and simple brown sugar banana compote for the iftar menu. After knowing the recipe and how to make brown sugar banana compote, now to be able to enjoy it you can make it yourself at home. Hopefully the compote recipe that we present can help you make banana compote. Good luck and hopefully useful.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Fresh and Special Cocktails for Iftar

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