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Delicious, Simple, Soft And Melt Banana Chocolate Mud Cake Recipe

One variation of the mud cake that is so tempting is the chocolate banana mud cake. The addition of bananas combined with chocolate will make the mud cake even more delicious to eat. It will be more special and of course will make anyone tempted. Its soft and melted texture will be very indulgent on the tongue.

Banana mud cake is suitable as a healthy family snack. In addition, you can make this cake as food to entertain guests or as a provision for your little one to school.

You can make this chocolate banana mud cake at home, because the way to make it is simple and easy, you will have no trouble even though you have never tried to make it. In addition, the materials needed are affordable and easy to obtain.

Well, here we present the recipe and how to make chocolate banana mud cake as a guide for making it in the kitchen.

Also read: Recipe for Making Banana Cheese

delicious, simple, soft and melt banana chocolate mud cake recipe

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Banana Mud Cakes that are Delicious, Simple, Soft and Melt
4.7 135

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

24 Pieces

Ingredients for Making Delicious, Simple, Soft and Melt Banana Mud Cakes

Main Ingredients of Chocolate Banana Mud Cake

  • 50 grams of margarine
  • 275 ml liquid milk
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 175 ml water
  • 185 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 grams of Ambon banana
  • 160 grams of sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100 grams of potatoes
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/8 teaspoon banana essence

Sprinkling Ingredients

2 bananas

How to Make Chocolate Banana Mud Cake Dough

  1. The first step you have to do is prepare a tool for steaming. Then steam the potatoes that you have prepared until cooked. Once cooked, please mash the potatoes until completely smooth. If so, set it aside first.
  2. Peel the banana and mash it. For the Ambon banana as a sprinkling material, cut into thin slices in an oblique direction.
  3. After that, please heat the margarine together with water in a pan. Then boil until boiling.
  4. Enter the other ingredients such as cocoa powder, flour and salt while sifting and stirring until evenly distributed.
  5. Add the mashed potatoes along with the sugar. Stir until smooth. If it's like that, please remove and cool.
  6. Enter the other ingredients such as eggs, Ambon banana, baking powder and banana essence. Then beat until smooth.
  7. Next, pour in the liquid milk and beat again until smooth.
  8. Prepare a mud cake mold and grease it with cooking oil. If you have set it aside first. (Also read: Recipes and How to Make Green Pandan Mud Cake)

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Soft, Delicious and Easy Mud Tape Cakes

How to Make Chocolate Banana Mud Cake

  1. Heat the greased mold using cooking oil. After the mold is hot, please pour the mud cake batter that you have made as much as 3/4 of the height of the mold. Then bake for a while until half cooked.
  2. After the mud cake is half cooked, take the banana as a sprinkling material and place it on top of the dough.
  3. Cover the mold and bake until completely cooked.
  4. If it is cooked, please remove and cool first. After that you can immediately serve it in a serving place that has been prepared previously.
  5. The Chocolate Banana Mud Cake is done. Enjoy this chocolate banana mud cake with your beloved family at home.

That's the recipe and how to make banana mud cake. Simple and easy right? Good luck trying at home and don't forget to share or share this recipe with your friends.

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