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Recipes And Ways To Make Balado Potato Shrimp Delicious And Steady, Delicious And Special Food

Have you ever felt bored with the only food menu that is presented to you?

If you've ever felt that way maybe you should try new menus that are more varied than the menus you usually try. One recipe that you might try to make is a dish made from shrimp with the name prawns, potatoes, balado nikmay, and a delicious and special dish. This menu is an interesting combination of fresh prawns that have a high taste and potatoes combined with an appetizing balado seasoning.

This combination of ingredients and processing methods might make your boredom with the usual food menus a little less. If previously you only found a menu of grilled or fried shrimp, this menu can be an interesting choice that is more varied than the processed shrimp that you have previously enjoyed.

For those of you who are interested in the potato Balado shrimp menu, you can try to follow the recipe and the steps for making this Balado shrimp. Here's a recipe and how to make potato prawns Balado delicious and steady, delicious and special food that you can follow. Good luck, and good luck.

Other Recipes: Delicious Food

recipes and ways to make balado potato shrimp delicious and steady, delicious and special food

Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make Balado Potato Shrimp Delicious and Steady, Delicious and Special Food
4.7 89

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

The Ingredients Needed To Make Potato Shrimp Balado Delicious and Steady Special Delicious Food

The main ingredient

  • 250 grams of fresh prawns
  • 3 potatoes, then you cut into squares
  • 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  • tablespoon oyster sauce
  • 2 large red chilies
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste

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Basic Red Seasoning

  • 30 red onions
  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 20 red chilies
  • 2 tablespoons of shrimp paste, which is burnt

Ways and Steps to Make Potato Shrimp Balado Delicious and Steady Delicious and Special Food

How to make

  1. For those of you who don't have the basic red seasoning, you can make it by grinding existing ingredients such as shallots, garlic, chilies and shrimp paste. Puree using a blender or ulekan according to your respective tastes.
  2. After making the red base seasoning, then you heat the oil and pan, then you stir-fry the red base seasoning until fragrant.
  3. After it smells good, you can put the cleaned prawns into the stir fry and stir together with the spices. Also add some other ingredients, namely potatoes and red chilies.
  4. Take oyster sauce and sweet soy sauce and add to your cooking. Stir again until all the ingredients are evenly distributed and absorbed in your shrimp.
  5. Once cooked you can lift it and serve it on a serving plate.
  6. Serve while still warm.

That was the recipe and how to make it that you can try to see to be able to make a delicious and delicious Balado Potato Shrimp dish, a special food that you can serve as one of your family's favorite alternative dishes. The pleasure of this Balado Potato Shrimp menu can make you and your family's appetite increase.

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