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Recipes And How To Make Easy And Delicious White Cream Asparagus Soup At Home

Warm cream soup is best served when family members finish their activities, especially with the addition of delicious asparagus.

Asparagus has been famous since time immemorial, asparagus itself comes from the Greek which means bud. The shape that resembles a shoot turns out to be not only for food but also provides extraordinary benefits for health.

The content of vitamin K and phosphate is also good for health, while the benefits of asparagus for health include heart health because of its high folate content. Likewise for women who are planning to become pregnant. Folate is good in helping prepare the fetus in early pregnancy.

In addition, the content of aspargus is high in potassium and soaks in sodium which is good as a natural diuretic. It can reduce swelling and also helps in overcoming fatigue and depression. Still the benefits provided by green shoots which are still in the same group as red onions and garlic are good for digestive health. Digestive health is related to the content of inulin which cannot be digested by the body and makes good bacteria to help the digestive process.

This special dish can be your menu for the family besides being easy to make, the ingredients used can be easily obtained. How to make it very practical so that it can be done by beginners. Here's the recipe for you.

recipes and how to make easy and delicious white cream asparagus soup at home

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Easy and Delicious White Cream Soup Asparagus at Home

4.7 135

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 people

Recipe Ingredients and How to Make Easy and Delicious White Cream Soup Asparagus at Home

Main Ingredients of White Cream Soup Asparagus

  • 6 stalks of asparagus
  • Taragon Leaves
  • Leek
  • 250ml Water

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Asparagus White Cream Soup Seasoning Ingredients

  • Black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 250ml Vegetable Broth
  • 250gr plain yogurt
  • 50gr Butter

Complementary Ingredients for White Cream Soup Asparagus

Cheese for sprinkling

How to Cook Recipes and How to Make Easy and Delicious White Cream Soup Asparagus at Home

  1. The steps that can be taken first are to cut the asparagus and leeks into very small pieces.
  2. Then after that take a non-stick frying pan to drain the butter.
  3. Next, add the asparagus pieces and add the taraggon leaves, stir until evenly distributed
  4. Then enter the stir-fry that has been flavored and changes color into the blender.
  5. Save the stir-fry that has been in the blender in the pan and add the vegetable stock.
  6. Then cook until cooked and ready to be served.
  7. Pour the soup into a bowl, then add black pepper and plain yogurt, serve while warm,

Cream soup asparagus is one type of cream soup that is in great demand, while for other cream soups you can try on our website You can also share the recipe link with your friends and relatives on your social media. In addition, leave a comment in the column provided below. Good luck trying our next recipe for cream soup with easy ingredients and a practical way to make it. 

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