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Nagasari Taro Traditional Cake Recipes That Are Legit And Delicious And How To Make

Nagasari cake is a cake that is familiar to all of us, this one cake is a market snack that is in great demand, why not besides being cheap, the taste is so delicious.

Nagasari cake has its types or variants, where one of the popular types of nagasari cake is taro nagasari cake. Pontianak taro and other ingredients will collaborate into one, so that it will produce a cake that is so special.

This cake is so legit when eaten, the pandan aroma produced will make everyone intrigued. Nagasari taro cake can be used as a dish in the midst of a family, even to entertain guests this cake is very suitable.

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You can make this taro nagasari cake at home, the way to make it is quite easy and simple. Even if you've never made one, you won't feel any trouble or confusion. Well, curious as to how to make a legit and delicious Nagasari taro cake? To find out, you can see directly the discussion below.

nagasari taro traditional cake recipes that are legit and delicious and how to make

Recipe Name

The Legit and Delicious Traditional Nagasari Taro Cake Recipe and How to Make
4.9 300

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

32 People

The Legit and Delicious Traditional Nagasari Taro Cake Ingredients and How to Make

Main Ingredients for Traditional Nagasari Taro Cake

  • 200 grams of taro Pontianak
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 250 grams of rice flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 750 ml coconut milk taken from 1 coconut
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 75 grams of sago flour
  • 300 ml coconut milk taken from 1/2 coconut
  • 2 pandan leaves

Other Ingredients

Adequate young banana leaves

How to Make a Legit and Delicious Traditional Nagasari Taro Cake

How to Prepare Legit and Delicious Nagasari Taro Cake Ingredients

  1. First, prepare a tool for steaming. Then steam the previously cleaned taro until cooked. If so, cut into squares.
  2. Wash the pandan leaves. Then conclude.
  3. Mix sago flour with 300 ml of coconut milk taken from 1/2 coconut. Then dissolve.

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How to Make a Legit and Delicious Traditional Nagasari Taro Cake

  1. Prepare a container or basin that will be used to make the dough. Then enter the rice flour that you have prepared. Also add sugar, salt, vanilla powder, pandan leaves and coconut milk. Stir until evenly distributed.
  2. Prepare a pan, then cook the mixture, stirring until smooth. If it's like that, lift it.
  3. Add sago flour solution. Then stir until smooth.
  4. Add the chopped taro. Then stir until evenly distributed.
  5. Prepare a piece of banana leaf that you previously cleaned first. Then take the dough as much as 50 grams. Store the dough on a banana leaf. Roll the dough, then wrap it with the banana leaf.
  6. Prepare tools for steaming. When it's ready, you can immediately steam it for about 15 minutes using medium heat.
  7. If the cake is completely cooked, you can immediately lift it. Cool before serving.

You can serve taro nagasari cake directly. Eat together with sweet drinks for added delicacy. The presence of this cake will make your gathering with family more special and warm.

That's the recipe and how to make a taro nagasari cake. Simple isn't it?

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