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Healthy And Nutritious 8 Months Mpasi Recipe For Kids

8 month complementary food recipe  – Your little one will be introduced to complementary foods for breast milk or complementary foods when they are 6 months old. When giving the first complementary food, you must pay attention to the correct rules, from the type of food, the texture of the food to the frequency with which your child eats.

In giving complementary foods to breast milk, you will certainly invite your little one to get to know the variety of the food menu. Moreover, when the age of the little one enters 8 months, at which time his first teeth have grown. That means the MPASI menu should be more varied according to your child's age.

So, to help you find recipes for 8 months complementary foods for your baby, here we present a variety of 8 month complementary foods recipes for you.

See also: How to make MPASI 7 months

Recipe and How to Make Tomato Beef Porridge

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Baby Porridge, Baby Food, MPASI Recipe
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
2 serving


Materials needed

  • 35 grams of minced beef
  • 71 grams of rice
  • 10 grams of tempeh
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 13 grams of carrots
  • 1 tomato _
  • 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
  • Celery to taste
  • Powdered broth to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • enough broth
  • Garlic to taste
  • Shallots of red onion


How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. First of all, please puree the tomatoes that you have provided in a blender. Then please strain the seeds.

  2. Next, puree or crush the onion and garlic.

How to Make Tomato Beef Porridge

  1. After all the ingredients are ready, now you can immediately make porridge for your little one. First, first cook the rice that has been provided using water until it is soft.

  2. When the rice has become porridge, please enter the tempeh and add more water. Cook again until it becomes mush.

  3. Next, please heat the cooking oil. Then add the crushed or crushed shallots and garlic into it. Saute until fragrant.

  4. After that, please enter the minced meat. Cook until the meat is cooked.

  5. Then add the blended tomatoes and carrots. Stir evenly.

  6. Add salt and beef broth to taste. Stir well and cook until the gravy subsides. Then you can check the taste and aroma. If it is appropriate, please turn off the stove.

  7. For the texture, you can adjust it to the age of your little one. If they are between 6 to 8 months old, you can blend or filter them.


This MPASI menu contains protein which is good for children. Not only protein, but also contains carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins essential for growth and development.

Recipes and How to Make Sweet Potato Porridge

healthy and nutritious 8 months mpasi recipe for kids

Main Ingredients Needed

  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup milk or almond milk
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • tbsp cinnamon powder

How to Make Sweet Potato Porridge

  1. First of all, please cut the sweet potato that you have provided first. Then boil until cooked and tender.
  2. After that, please pound the sweet potato until smooth. If there are still fibers, please set them aside.
  3. Prepare a pan, then add the milk and heat it. Then after it is hot, add the mashed sweet potato along with cinnamon powder. Stir continuously until the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  4. Next, please add brown sugar. Stir again until smooth.
  5. Remove the porridge and wait for it to cool before serving it to your little one.

Recipe for Red Rice Porridge Mixed with Chicken and Vegetables

healthy and nutritious 8 months mpasi recipe for kids

Materials needed

  • 100 grams of brown rice
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 piece of garlic
  • 100 grams of ground chicken
  • 1 small broccoli
  • 1 carrot

Read also the Recipe for Red Rice Porridge with Delicious and Delicious Mushroom Meat Topping

How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. The first step that must be done is, first chop the garlic until smooth.
  2. If so, please steam the carrots until cooked. Then finely chop.
  3. For broccoli, please steam it too. Then once cooked please chop the top gently.

How to Make Brown Rice Porridge Mixed with Chicken and Vegetables

  1. First of all, please cook brown rice. The trick is to mash the brown rice first until it becomes flour or you can cook it as usual using a ratio of 1:9 water to get a soft texture. When cooking brown rice, make sure you use low heat.
  2. Then please stir the porridge so it doesn't burn.
  3. Next, please heat the unsalted butter. Once the butter is hot and melted, add the ground chicken and chopped garlic. Stir until cooked and fragrant.
  4. After that, please add the sauteed chicken along with vegetables such as broccoli and carrots into the cooked porridge. Stir until evenly mixed.
  5. Finally you can serve it in a container. Then add grated cheese for a more savory taste.

With this MPASI menu, your little one will get lots of nutrients for growth and development. This porridge can be eaten for lunch and dinner menus. You just need to warm it up using low heat.

Recipe and How to Make Salmon Potato Porridge

healthy and nutritious 8 months mpasi recipe for kids

Main Ingredients Needed

  • 100 grams of potatoes
  • 50 grams of salmon
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • Sufficiently grated cheese
  • 100 ml of liquid milk or breast milk

How to Make Salmon Potato Porridge

  1. First of all, please take the potatoes that you have provided. Then please peel the potatoes and steam until cooked.
  2. Once cooked, please mash the potatoes. Then store in a pan.
  3. Then pour liquid milk or breast milk. Then cook on low heat until thickened.
  4. The next step, please grill the salmon using unsalted butter until cooked. If it is cooked, shred it into small pieces.
  5. Next, pour the potatoes in a container. You can sprinkle the shredded salmon and grated cheese.
  6. Finally, you can serve salmon potato porridge for your beloved baby.

Also Read Lodeh Beef Ribs Vegetable Recipe

Potatoes are a source of carbohydrates, while salmon is rich in omega 3 which is good for the little one's brain. Because it has a delicious and savory taste, your little one is guaranteed to love this one menu.

Recipes and How to Make Milk Banana Porridge

healthy and nutritious 8 months mpasi recipe for kids

Main Ingredients Needed

  • 150 to 200 ml of breast milk or liquid milk
  • 1 plantain

See also: Makuta Cake Recipe

How to Make Milk Banana Porridge

  1. The first step that must be done is to mash the bananas until the texture becomes soft.
  2. Then please add milk little by little. You can while stirring until evenly mixed.
  3. For babies aged 8 months, you can make it with a slightly thick texture.
  4. Finally, you can serve it to your beloved baby.

This one menu includes a simple menu that you can serve for the breakfast menu because the cooking time is quite short. The soft texture with a sweet taste, as well as the nutritional content contained in bananas can be used as a mainstay menu. It's delicious taste will certainly be liked by the little one.

So, those are some healthy and nutritious 8-month MPASI recipes. Good luck.

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