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Delicious Goat Satay Recipe

Meat satay is one of the processed meat dishes that has a savory taste that is so delicious.

The preparation of the satay is also quite diverse, especially the variety of the type of meat used. One of them is goat meat. Goat satay is one of the processed meats that has a delicious aroma and delicious taste.

If you usually want to be able to taste the delicious goat satay dish with peanut sauce, you often buy it outside. This time you will be able to serve delicious and delicious goat satay with peanut sauce at home. Here's the recipe.

delicious goat satay recipe

Recipe Name

Delicious Goat Satay Recipe with Delicious Delicious Peanut Sauce

4.8 76

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

8 Servings

Ingredients needed to make delicious goat satay with delicious delicious peanut sauce

The Main Ingredients for Making Peanut Seasoned Goat Satay:

  • 1,250 grams of mutton
  • 32 skewers
  • 12 papaya leaves, knead

Goat Satay Spread Seasoning:

  • 400 grams of sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons pepper powder
  • 4 tablespoons margarine, melted

Peanut Sauce Seasoning For Goat Satay:

  • 400 grams of skinned peanuts, fried, mashed
  • 200 grams of sweet soy sauce
  • 600 ml water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar 
  • 4 teaspoons salt

Ground Spices To Make Peanut Sauce:

  • 8 red onions
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 8 curly red chilies
  • 8 tablespoons of cooking oil

How to make delicious goat satay with delicious delicious peanut sauce

How to Process Goat Meat into Satay:

  1. The first step, please first cut the mutton into small and rather thin squares. It is better not to cut the meat too thick or too big so that when it is burned, the meat will be easily cooked evenly and easily tender. On the other hand, cutting meat that is irregular and too large will make it difficult for the meat to cook evenly, and sometimes even grilled meat may still be raw.
  2. When finished cutting the meat, now put the meat in a container and wash it thoroughly using running water so that the dirt on the meat can be cleaned properly.
  3. After washing, now please wrap the meat using papaya leaves that have been kneaded so that the meat becomes more tender when burned.
  4. After that, let the meat rest for about 30 minutes.
  5. Skewer the meat using a skewer and coat all surfaces of the meat on the skewer using the spread spice. And let stand again for about an hour, let the seasoning spread the meat seep into it evenly.
  6. Grill the meat on a non-stick pan that has been heated over medium heat and bake until cooked. Don't forget to turn the meat over and occasionally brush it with margarine and sweet soy sauce.

Also read the recipe for making delicious and tender beef satay when grilled

How to Make Peanut Sauce Seasoning:

  1. After the satay is cooked, set it aside for a while and we will make the peanut sauce seasoning. To make peanut sauce, first, please stir-fry the ground spices until fragrant in a frying pan with a little oil. Enter the ground peanuts that have been mashed and add water. Then stir until evenly distributed throughout.
  2. Add the sweet soy sauce, sugar and salt and stir again until the cooked spices can be evenly distributed throughout.

Once cooked, remove the spices and serve the spices on a serving plate along with the grilled goat satay. This dish will taste more delicious when eaten while still hot.

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