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Resep Sajian Sederhana Masak Ikan Kerapu Kukus Bumbu Jahe Yang Paling Enak Dan Mantap Serta Menggugah Selera

Pernahkah anda merasakan kelezatan sebuah sajian bernama ikan kerapu bumbu jahe?

Ikan kerapu bumbu jahe merupakan sebuah sajian seafood mantap dengan menggunakan ikan kerapu sebagai bahan utamanya. Dalam sajian ini ikan kerapu yang ada coba untuk dipadukan bersama bumbu mantap bernama bumbu jahe. Tentunya perpaduan antara daging kerapu yang gurih serta bumbu jahe yang nikmat memberikan sebuah rasa yang tidak mungkin bisa anda lupakan. Menu ini bisa menjadi pilihan anda sari sekian banyak pilihan menu seafood mantap yang tersedia di meja makan anda masing-masing.

For those of you who want to taste and are curious about the delicacy of this ginger spiced grouper, you can see the cooking recipe and how to make it which is below. Hopefully this recipe can be a great dish that you can serve to your family and friends.

resep sajian sederhana masak ikan kerapu kukus bumbu jahe yang paling enak dan mantap serta menggugah selera

Recipe Name

A Simple Serving Recipe for Cooking Grouper Fish Steamed with Ginger that is the Most Delicious and Steady and Appeals to the Appetite
4.8 131

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 persons

Cooking Ingredients Needed to Make a Delicious Serve of Steamed Grouper with Ginger Seasoning

Main Ingredients of Cuisine

  • 1 kilogram grouper, wash and remove the inside
  • teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon pepper powder
  • 50 grams of ginger, sliced ​​lengthwise
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 2 spring onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 lime then you take and squeeze the water

How to make a delicious dish, Grouper Cooking Recipe for Steamed Ginger Spice

How to Make a Serving

  1. Take the grouper that you want to process and make a solid dish, then you put the fish in the pan. Make sure the fish has been cleaned beforehand.
  2. Take sesame oil, lime juice, salt and pepper, then you spread all these ingredients to the grouper, and make sure it is evenly distributed and mixed well.
  3. After that you put the sliced ​​scallions and ginger into the container, stir again until completely mixed with the spices and grouper that you want to process.
  4. Take your heat-resistant dish, then you place the grouper you want to steam on it.
  5. Prepare a pan to steam your fish, then continue the cooking process by steaming the grouper into the pan. Steam for about 40 minutes until the fish is cooked.
  6. Once cooked, you can remove the grouper from the steamer.
  7. Give a little touch of decoration on your dishes and dishes. serve while still warm.

This is a recipe that you can follow to make a matap dish, which is a recipe for grouper fish with very delicious ginger spices. You can try to make a dish of this cooking recipe to give to the closest people and also your family. The delicacy of its taste will definitely make you unable to stop to enjoy this special dish. Press the existing share button to share via your respective social media channels and invite your friends to taste this delicious grouper fish preparation. Also give your comments about this delicious dish of grouper steamed with ginger.

Read also the Recipe for Grilled Grouper Fish with Rica-Rica Seasoning, the Most Steady and Delicious for Families at Home

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