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Tips To Make Ketupat Durable And Not Easily Stale

Eid soon! The lively celebration of Eid is indeed lively and what is unique is that this celebration can never be separated from the name of food offerings. Yes, various Eid specialties that are not found on normal days are always present to enliven the celebration of this Muslim victory day.

Starting from making special Eid cakes, hunting for new banknotes to what is never missed is the culture of making ketupat at home. Yes, it's incomplete to celebrate Eid without presenting ketupat along with opor.

Indonesian people themselves usually eat this dish along with a dish of chicken opor and other complementary ingredients. So in addition to serving the staple food of rice, ketupat is an option to be served during fasting.

tips to make ketupat durable and not easily stale

Tips To Make Ketupat Durable and Not Easily Stale

In order to welcome the lively Eid day, mothers usually make large amounts of ketupat. In fact, some are often left over and stored in the following days. However, usually storing ketupat that is not properly cared for will probably make this dish easy to stale.

So how do you store ketupat and what are some tips so that it doesn't go stale? Let's look at the information below.

Pay Attention to Processing and Serving Time

Ketupat is indeed delicious and the taste is incomplete if you don't serve this one food on Eid day. It's just that of the many shortcomings that this food ingredient has, diamonds generally go stale and slimy very quickly.

So that often we have to give up throwing out large quantities of diamonds because they can't be eaten again another day. In fact, the habit of throwing food is not a good thing to do. It's just that, when the food dish can no longer be maintained and is not fit for consumption. So of course, letting them fill the trash can might be unavoidable.

Well, for this one reason we need to be smart in paying attention to the processing time and serving of the ketupat itself. Usually many people serve ketupat for food before Eid. So, avoiding ketupat is easily stale, so you shouldn't make this dish too early.

You can make it a day or two before this dish will be used. Because the closer the time for serving, the ketupat dish will certainly be more fresh and delicious. Thus, the next day the ketupat can still be warmed because it has not been made too long.

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Cook Until Completely Cooked

In order to get good quality ketupat like fluffier, delicious and most importantly not easily stale, it is very important for you to ensure that this dish is made until it is completely cooked.

The process of boiling the ketupat does take a long time to get the quality as expected. Therefore, you have to be patient in processing it. If indeed this process is too long and it is feared that it will not rush to process fluffier and evenly cooked diamonds.

So consider carefully to always make this dish by calculating the time well. You can estimate how long it will take until you can process other dishes on time.

The time needed to process the ketupat is 4 to 5 hours. In addition, also pay attention to the surface of the diamond submerged with water. So that this process makes it easier for the ketupat to cook evenly.

Flush with cold water after cooking

Another way that you can do to keep the cooked ketupat dish from getting stale or slimy is to pour cold water after the dish is evenly cooked.

The goal is to clean the remaining boiled water that may still be in the cooked ketupat. So, after removing this dish from the stew, put it in a container or sieve with a perforated bottom.

Then you will be able to splash cold water on the entire surface of the diamond evenly. When you use a filter, this splash water will easily flow evenly.

In addition, make sure you pour water on the folds because who knows, the leftover water from the stew will still get stuck in between the gaps, which makes it often missed.

Drain Until Completely Dry

In addition to watering the cooked ketupat dish with clean cold water. Another way that you need to do to keep the ketupat dish you cook from getting stale is to drain this dish so that it is completely dry.

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Water that stagnates on the diamond may slowly enter and seep on the folded and almost open parts of the leaves. This is what will possibly make this dish easy to become stale or slimy.

In addition, after drying evenly, pay attention to storing the ketupat in dry conditions. Because the moist ketupat will allow the ketupat to be easily exposed to fungi or bacteria. As a result this dish will be easily stale and slimy.

Temporarily Save in the Open

Done drained evenly ketupat will not be enough to last long. Because this dish needs air to dry and there is no water left in this dish.

For him, the ketupat needs to be aerated before this dish is put into a place or container. To make this process easier, you will be able to hang the ketupat in an open place and let the ketupat dry without any stagnant water.

Hanging ketupat will certainly be more effective than storing it in a container. Because this will prevent water from dripping back into the diamond that you are winding.

Put In The Fridge

Another important way to pay attention to the ketupat dish that is made is not easily stale, then after you finish, dry it. Put this dish in the refrigerator or refrigerator.

The low temperature will prevent the growth of bacteria or fungi on the ripe ketupat. So, when you have finished eating this dish, you should put this dish in the refrigerator.

Then later when you are going to eat it again you can put this dish into the microwave to make it warmer. In this way, the ketupat that you cook will not get stale and durable so you can re-consumption on another occasion.

Cut as needed

Many people serve ketupat in the form of cut into pieces and then put in a container. However, this habit is not a good thing to do because the use of ketupat may only last for a while. And the rest will probably be wasted.

So, pay attention to always cut the ketupat according to your needs so that this dish is not wasted. Then after that, hang it or put it back in the refrigerator.

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