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Cooking Recipes And How To Make Grilled Tuna Fish Typical Manado Which Is Delicious, Delicious And Special

Serve special dishes from processed tuna that are so delicious.

Mando's signature grilled tuna dish is one of the special dishes with a delicious taste and so delicious. In addition, this recipe is also quite easy to make at home with simple spices that are easy to find. Curious to know what the Manadonese seasoned tuna recipe looks like? Let's look at the following recipe.

cooking recipes and how to make grilled tuna fish typical manado which is delicious, delicious and special

Recipe Name

Cooking Recipes and How to Make Grilled Tuna Fish Typical Manado which is delicious, delicious and special

4.8 98

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Manado special grilled tuna that is delicious, delicious and special

Tuna Fish Ingredients:

  • 500 g of tuna
  • 1 sheet of turmeric leaf
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 50 ml water
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
  • 6 basil leaves
  • pepper to taste
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, bruised
  • enough nutmeg

Minced Fish Seasoning:

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 6 red onions
  • 3 pieces of red chili

How to make Manado special grilled tuna that is delicious, delicious and special

How to Prepare Tuna Fish Before Cooking:

  1. The first thing you can do is make sure that you choose fresh tuna so that when it is cooked and processed, the fish has a more delicious and delicious taste when eaten.
  2. After getting fresh tuna, now take the fish to the laundry and wash the fish with running water and clean the fish gills and fish innards until clean.
  3. If the fish has been cleaned, then please cut the back of the fish in both parts with a horizontal line of 3 to 4 flats. This is used so that the spices can be absorbed into the fish evenly.
  4. When you're done slicing, please coat the fish with salt so that the fish doesn't taste bland when you eat it and add lime juice to get rid of the fishy smell that sticks to the fish.
  5. After that, don't be in a hurry to cook and process the fish, but let it sit until the seasoning is absorbed into the fish for about 15 minutes.

Also read the recipe and how to make delicious, easy and simple basil catfish mangut

How to Make Manado Grilled Tuna:

  1. While waiting for the fish to be almost ready to be processed, please stir-fry the ground spices until it smells and tastes good.
  2. After the fragrant stir, put the lime leaves along with the basil and salt, pepper, nutmeg, sweet soy sauce, and lemongrass into the stir fry and stir until the stir-fry gives off a delicious aroma.
  3. Add water to the stir fry and cook until the stir-fry boils evenly.
  4. After that, just put the cob fish into the dish and cook while pouring it with spices until the water shrinks.
  5. Grill the fish over the coals until it is evenly browned and the whole fish is cooked, don't forget to flip the fish over while it's grilling while occasionally brushing it with the cooking spices so that the spices soak into the fish evenly.

Now, after the fish is cooked, please remove the fish from the grill and serve the fish into a serving plate along with delicious warm rice and eat while the fish is still warm. That's the recipe and how to make a delicious and delicious Manado grilled tuna dish, I hope this recipe can be useful.

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