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Recipes For Processed Assorted Delicious Seafood Scallops That Are Practically Made

Serve and enjoy a delicious and special dish of seafood shellfish. We present delicious dishes that you can easily and simply make at home. This dish is also quite practical to make because in general the ingredients and spices in the recipe will be easily found around the house. Even in a traditional market-class vegetable stall.

Well, for those of you who are curious about the recipe for this delicious seafood shellfish dish this time. So no need to worry, we will see directly the easy recipe information below just for all of you.

Recipe for Making Spiced Scallop Curry


recipes for processed assorted delicious seafood scallops that are practically made


  • 500 grams of tofu scallops
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 2 lime leaves, bone removed
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, white taken, crushed
  • 250 ml coconut milk from 1/4 coconut
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons oil for frying

Softened seasoning:

  • 3 cm turmeric, burnt
  • 3 pieces of curly red chili
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 8 red onions
  • 2 teaspoons coriander
  • 4 pecans

Preparation for Making Seasoned Clam Curry:

  1. For the first time, we will do this step by first preparing the ingredients and equipment that you may need to make this dish. For that, seeing the importance of this step, you should not skip the steps that we will provide this time.
  2. The first ingredient that we will process first is tofu shellfish. After you buy and prepare the tofu clams. Please take this dish to the laundry and clean it evenly using clean water. Also make sure you can clean the dirt on the shells evenly.
  3. When the shells have been cleaned evenly, please remove them from the laundry and drain the washing water.
  4. After that, please prepare a pot and fill it with enough water. Next, you will be able to put clams in it and boil this dish until it is cooked until the wrong part of the clam shell opens.
  5. When it is cooked, remove this dish and strain the water in a container. Then set this dish aside until you will be able to cook it with other dishes.

How to Make Seasoned Clam Curry:

  1. To make a dish of clam curry this time is actually quite easy. After you boil the dish of tofu shells that you have prepared beforehand. Then the making of spices and dishes this time will be easier to do.
  2. To make a dish this time, make sure you first smooth the spices that are asked to be mashed evenly. Use a blender or use a mortar and pestle to smooth the spices above.
  3. When it is mashed evenly and the spices are ready. Next please heat the oil evenly using medium heat.
  4. Then when finished, you will be ready to sauté the seasoning dish this time. The trick, please enter the spices that you have previously mashed. Stir this dish evenly until mixed and cooked.
  5. Meanwhile, while you are sauteing please add the bay leaf along with the lemongrass and lime leaves. Stir all these servings evenly until everything is mixed and fragrant.
  6. When it's done, please add all the clams that you boiled earlier. Stir well and add to it the sugar along with the salt and ground pepper. Stir again until all the spices are evenly mixed.
  7. Only after that, pour the coconut milk into it and stir until all the spices are cooked evenly and also mixed into it.
  8. Don't forget to add more seasoning if you feel the seasoning doesn't fit or doesn't taste right.

Once cooked, you can lift it and pour it into a container or bowl evenly. Then sprinkle the top with fried onions just for garnish.

Recipe for Making Delicious Vegetable Scallop Tomyam

recipes for processed assorted delicious seafood scallops that are practically made


  • 400 grams of green mussels
  • 150 grams of mushroom
  • 2,000 ml fish stock
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange juice
  • 150 grams mixed vegetables


  • 3 lemongrass stalks, take the white, bruised
  • 4 green chilies, bruised
  • 2 cm galangal, bruised
  • 10 lime leaves, remove the bones
  • 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ebi, brewed, roasted
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 3 sprigs cilantro, picked for sprinkling

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Preparation for Making Delicious Vegetable Scallops Tomyam:

  1. For the first we will prepare in advance some of the ingredients in the recipe. This is because there are several ingredients in the recipe that we need to process first before we cook with other ingredients into a delicious dish.
  2. The first ingredient we need to process is green mussels. Even though you have purchased this material in a clean state, it does not mean that the dish is evenly hygienic. For that, seeing the need for this dish to be cleaned, please clean it evenly.
  3. When finished, clean evenly. Continue by removing this dish from the laundry and draining the water evenly.
  4. To get rid of the fishy smell in green mussels. You can use lime juice flavoring evenly. This will reduce the mucus that may be attached to the shellfish and also reduce the fishy smell that is still attached to it.
  5. After being given with lime juice, please set aside temporarily for about 15 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, for the fish stock. You can make this dish by boiling fish bones and scooping out a certain amount of broth. Put it in a container and set aside for a while before you mix it with the other ingredients.

How to Make Delicious Vegetable Scallops Tomyam:

  1. To make this dish, you will be able to process it by boiling the fish stock until it boils in a saucepan. Then put the lemongrass in it along with the lime leaves, galangal, ebi, cayenne pepper and garlic. Boil this dish until it is cooked and emits a delicious and delicious fragrant aroma.
  2. After that, please add the green scallops that you have covered with oranges and add them together with the mushrooms.
  3. The serving period above until cooked until the shells open and the sauce boils evenly.
  4. When finished, you can put mixed vegetables into it along with fish sauce as well as salt, pepper powder, lemon and sugar. Stir evenly until all these ingredients are mixed and the spices are absorbed into it.
  5. Also add coriander leaves just as you are about to lift it. Then cook again for a while and remove this dish.

Now you will be able to serve this dish and put it in a container or in a serving bowl. Henceforth you will be able to serve this dish to your family and beloved little one.

Oriental Tofu Pindang Scallop Recipe

recipes for processed assorted delicious seafood scallops that are practically made


  • 1,000 grams of tofu scallops
  • lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  • enough salt
  • enough sugar
  • Leek

Coarsely Ground Ingredients:

  • 3 lime leaves
  • Lemongrass
  • 10 pieces of red chili
  • 1 piece of ginger

Preparations for Making Oriental Tofu Pindang Kuah Scallops:

  1. To make a dish this time, you will be able to do it by preparing some of the ingredients in the recipe. This is because there are some ingredients in the recipe that you need to process first before you mix them with other ingredients. For him, seeing the importance of preparing some ingredients this time, it is very important that you don't skip this step.
  2. The first ingredient that we will process first is the main ingredient of tofu shellfish. Even though you have found this one material, you buy it clean. However, this does not mean that you can process this material directly. You need to clean it first. For that, take this dish to the laundry.
  3. In the laundry place, please clean this dish evenly using clean water evenly. Scrub and clean the shells until the dirt inside can be removed and cleaned evenly.
  4. Once clean, please lift this dish and put it in a container. Drain the water evenly so it doesn't pool in the container. Then set it aside for a while.
  5. When it is clean evenly. Next, please coat the shells with lime. This is done to remove any moss that may be on the shells. In addition, giving lime is also done to reduce the fishy smell that is in the shells.
  6. After smeared with lime juice. Next, please set this dish aside for about 15 minutes so that it absorbs and works to reduce the fishy smell of the shellfish.
  7. After 15 minutes have passed, please prepare a pot and fill it with just enough water. Then place the serving of water in a saucepan on the stove over medium heat.
  8. Then boil this dish until cooked evenly until the shells are open and cooked. Remove this dish and drain the water to then place it in a container evenly.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make East Java Crab Curry, Delicious but Simple Seasoned Seafood Cuisine

How to Make Scallops Tofu Pindang Kuah Oriental:

  1. To make a dish this time you will be able to do it by boiling the spices that you have coarsely ground before. Then spoon using a tongue spoon.
  2. Enter this seasoning dish into the boiled clam water and stir evenly until all the spices are mixed and stirred evenly.
  3. After that, put the clams into it along with the sweet soy sauce, sugar and salt. Stir again and taste the spices until just right.
  4. Only after that, let this dish sit until it is evenly cooked and the gravy becomes more boiling until it is cooked.
  5. After that, please add the scallions into it. Cook this dish briefly until cooked evenly.

Only after that, serve this dish in a container or bowl evenly. For additional you can put fried onions on top evenly just as a complement.

Recipe for Making Crispy and Delicious Sago Shells

recipes for processed assorted delicious seafood scallops that are practically made

Main Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of peeled green scallops
  • 500 grams of oil for frying
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Main Ingredients:

  • 400 ml water
  • 45 grams of sago flour


  • 75 grams of wheat flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 spring onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 75 grams of sago flour
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 1/4 teaspoon chicken stock powder

Supplementary material:

  • 3 tablespoons of bangkok sauce

Preparation for Making Crispy and Delicious Sago Blanket Scallops:

  1. For the first time, we will start this step by first preparing the ingredients in this recipe. This is because there are several ingredients in the recipe that we need to process first before being mixed with other ingredients into delicious dishes.
  2. The first ingredient to be processed is the green mussels first. If you buy peeled green mussels, it will be easier for you to process them. It's just that, for those of you who buy raw green mussels, you don't need to worry.
  3. To process this dish of shellfish you will be able to boil it in a pan until the shells open. After that, remove this dish and peel it evenly.
  4. Then put in a container and set aside evenly. To reduce the fishy smell of mussel meat, you can pour lime on the top and stir evenly.
  5. After that, let this dish sit for about 15 minutes so that this dish soaks into it evenly.

How to Make Crispy and Delicious Sago Shells:

  1. To make this dish, you will be able to do it by making the main ingredients first. The trick is to dissolve the sago flour in a container. Then stir this dish until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  2. Take a saucepan and cook this dish until it thickens slightly. Remove this dish and set aside in a safe place and avoid this dish from ingredients that will interfere with it.
  3. Then add the garlic and add the scallions along with the flour, salt, pepper and powdered stock. Stir all of these dishes evenly until combined.
  4. Add the sago flour little by little into it while stirring evenly until this dish is evenly distributed and mixed.
  5. After that, prepare a frying pan and put enough oil in it. Then heat it over medium heat and wait a while.
  6. While heating the fire, you can start assembling the sago balu shellfish dish. The trick is to dip the sago shells one by one into the flour mixture evenly.
  7. Then immediately put this dish into the heated oil. Cook this dish until cooked evenly until the color turns yellow.

Remove this dish using a spoon after it is cooked. Then serve in a serving plate after you drain the oil evenly.

Then you will be able to enjoy this dish along with the delicious and delicious complementary ingredients of the sauce.

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