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Special Recipe For Fried Yellow Tail Fish With Delicious Galangal Seasoning

Usually, we only fry fish using makeshift spices, but this time we tried another seasoning with galangal seasoning.

One of the dishes that is usually favored at official events or with friends or family is fish. Both sea fish and freshwater fish both have a very delicious delicacy. Delicious and savory of course you can feel after eating it. The sea fish that we will peel this time is yellow tail fish. The yellow tail fish which has these special characteristics is very easy to recognize because it has a yellow line on its tail, so it is called a yellow tail fish.

This yellow tail fish is widely spread in the oceans of the archipelago, so it is very easy to get it. However, yellow tail fish is one of the fish that is included in the category of fish that is quite expensive, because it tastes very tasty and soft when cooked, which is an advantage in yellow tail fish cooking. By consuming this yellow tail fish dish, of course, your tongue will sway, especially if it is cooked in a different way than usual by frying but adding galangal seasoning. Curious how to make it, here is a Special Recipe for Fried Yellow Tail Fish with Delicious Galangal Seasoning, the steps are below.

special recipe for fried yellow tail fish with delicious galangal seasoning

Recipe Name

Special Recipe for Fried Yellow Tail Fish with Delicious Galangal Seasoning

4.9 259

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients needed to make a special dish of fried yellow tail fish with delicious galangal seasoning

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 5 fresh yellow tail fish
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 50 gr galangal, finely grated
  • 50 grams thick coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper powder

Also read the recipe and how to make a delicious, dry and delicious puffed fish

Subtle Seasoning Ingredients

  • 5 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cm turmeric
  • 1 tsp coriander

How to make a special dish of fried yellow tail fish with delicious galangal seasoning

How to cook

  1. The first is to remove the scales and the contents of the stomach, then wash it thoroughly, then coat it with orange juice, then let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  2. Next is, mix all ingredients such as ground spices, then add galangal, coconut milk, salt and pepper powder, mix well in a container.
  3. After that, coat the fish with the mixed seasoning ingredients, mix well, then let stand 15 minutes for the spices to infuse
  4. Next prepare a frying pan that has been filled with vegetable oil, then heat it, after that fry the yellow tail fish until cooked.
  5. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the Special Recipe for Fried Yellow Tail Fish with Delicious Galangal Seasoning that you can try at home. The ingredients for this yellow tail fish are very easy to find and are widely available, usually in traditional markets or in places such as supermarkets. For the spices, it is very easy for you to process, so you can make this fried yellow tail fish dish have a very distinctive delicacy. To further complement your meal, it's better to serve it with warm white rice added with several other ingredients in the form of stir-fried sour vegetables or you can make chili sauce according to your family's appetite. By making fried yellow tail fish with galangal seasoning, of course, you will add collage to your daily diet. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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Also read the recipe and how to make a practical grilled yellow tail fish

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