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Recipes For Special Dishes And How To Process The Most Delicious And Delicious Tauco Fried Sprouts

One way that can be taken to make easy and delicious variations of food is to try to combine it with other food ingredients.

Talking more about variations in processed foods, one example of a varied food menu that you can try to make and process is the tauco fried bean sprouts menu. This menu is made by combining the delicacy of the tauco and bean sprouts menu which is steady and appetizing. The bean sprouts menu which is full of nutrients and good nutrition also allows those of you who enjoy it to get the goodness of nutrition from this dish.

Tauco itself is known as salashatu, a type of food seasoning with a distinctive taste. By combining bean sprouts and atuco, you get a unique and unique taste and variety in this dish.

recipes for special dishes and how to process the most delicious and delicious tauco fried sprouts

Curious about what ingredients are used in the manufacturing process, and what are the steps and how to make this one menu? Please see the recipe below and follow it. I hope you succeed in making the solid dish you want and good luck experimenting with the existing ingredients.

Recipe Name

Special Serving Recipes and How to Process the Most Delicious and Steady Tauco Fried Sprouts
4.9 99

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 persons

Ingredients Needed To Make Tauco Fried Sprouts

The main ingredient

  • 150 grams of bean sprouts, clean the ends, then you boil it for a while
  • 100 grams of wet noodles, flush with hot water, drain
  • 4 diamonds

Soup Ingredients

  • 1 tomato, cut into several pieces
  • 4 limes, squeeze and take the water
  • 3 tablespoons of cooking oil
  • 2 spring onions, thinly sliced
  • 3 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
  • 100 grams of oncom, crushed
  • Enough tacos
  • 500 ml water

Also Read Cooking Recipes and How To Make The Most Delicious and Delicious Soy Sprout Saute For Families At Home

Softened seasoning

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 8 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 red chilies

Steps to make Bogor Tauco Fried Sprouts that are Steady and Delicious but Easy

Making Steps

  1. Puree the ingredients that you have prepared previously.
  2. After the ground spices you can continue to saute the ground spices on the pan until fragrant.
  3. After it smells good, continue by adding the chopped tomatoes and oncom. Mix all the ingredients until they are completely even.
  4. Slowly pour water into the pan, then follow up by adding some ingredients such as tauco and sweet soy sauce. Cook until cooked.
  5. Also pour the lime juice that you got earlier. Stir well then lift your dish.
  6. Just prepare a plate to put your dish, once it's ready then you put it and arrange it in such a way that the main ingredients have been prepared.
  7. After it is neatly arranged, you can continue by pouring the tauco sauce on top of the ingredients that have been arranged.
  8. Serve it to family and closest people while it's hot so it's delicious when eaten.

That's the recipe for the very typical tauco fried bean sprouts from Bogor. This menu is so appetizing that it is perfect for those of you who need an alternative to delicious and appetizing dishes.

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