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Delicious Madura Chicken Soto Recipe

Delicious Madura Chicken Soto Recipe – Soto is a typical Indonesian dish. In various regions, there are different types of Soto, one of which is Soto Madura. Soto is typical of Madura itself is made of beef. However, apart from that, you can also use shredded chicken. This Madura chicken soup is enjoyed with koya, and chili sauce.

You can enjoy this warm and delicious-tasting soup when the weather is cold. The warmth of the soto sauce mixed with various ingredients tastes delicious. Can be enjoyed with a plate of warm rice.

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Of course, to be able to enjoy this Soto dish, you don't have to go all the way to Madura, because you can easily make it yourself at home. Well, on this occasion we present the Madura chicken soup recipe for you. Let's see below.

Delicious Madura Chicken Soto Recipe

Soto ayam Madura is served with a savory broth along with shredded chicken and various other complementary ingredients such as soun, sliced ​​cabbage, eggs, koya and tomatoes. The various ingredients make this soup dish very delicious. You can add chili sauce if you want to enjoy a fresher soto dish.

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword soto recipe, soto, chicken soup
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour
8 servings _
Calories 312 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 2 liters of water for boiling
  • 1 chicken _
  • 30 grams of ginger
  • 1 tsp pepper powder
  • 4 spring onions
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 4 lime leaves
  • 2 tsp flavoring
  • 50 grams of galangal
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
  • 3 cloves _
  • 30 grams of red onion
  • 25 grams of turmeric
  • 50 grams of hazelnut
  • 20 grams of garlic
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • enough cooking oil

Ingredients for Supplements

  • Soun is enough
  • Sliced ​​onions as needed
  • Tomatoes to taste
  • Sliced ​​cabbage as needed
  • enough lime
  • Hard boiled eggs

Material For Koya

  • 8 grams of fried garlic
  • 10 pieces of fried prawn crackers
  • 1/2 tsp chicken stock powder

Ingredients for Making Sambal

  • 20 pieces of cayenne pepper that have been boiled
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp flavoring
  • 1/4 tsp instant powder broth


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. First of all, please wash the chicken that you have provided. Wash under running water. Clean the chicken from feathers or dirt that is still attached. Next please boil the water and boil the chicken for a while. If so, please drain.

  2. Then slice the ginger and galangal. Then for the spring onions, please chop roughly.

  3. Next, cut the tomatoes for complementary ingredients. Then squeeze the lime juice.

  4. To make koya, please grind all koya ingredients together.

  5. Then for the chili, please boil the cayenne pepper. Then puree with other ingredients and spices.

How to Make Madura Chicken Soto

  1. Prepare a pot, then fill it with water. Boil together with the cleaned chicken until it boils.

  2. Then prepare the pan. Pour about 2 to 3 tablespoons of cooking oil. Heat.

  3. When it is hot, add the mashed spices along with ginger, galangal, lime leaves, cloves, and spring onions. Stir well and saute until fragrant.

  4. After the seasoning is cooked, please pour it into the chicken stew.

  5. Add various spices such as sugar, salt, powdered broth, pepper powder and flavoring. Stir until evenly distributed and cook until the spices are absorbed and the gravy is reduced.

  6. If it's like that, please remove the chicken. Then shredded.

  7. Prepare a bowl to serve the soup. Then in it arrange the vermicelli together with sliced ​​cabbage, eggs, spring onions, shredded chicken, tomatoes and koya.

  8. Then pour the hot sauce with lime juice and chili sauce.

Recipe Notes

The Madurese chicken soup dish has been completed. The taste is savory and delicious will spoil your tongue. Enjoy with a plate of warm rice to make it more delicious.

That's the Madura chicken soup recipe that you can try at home. This soup dish can be used as a menu for family meals, you can also make special dishes for special events. Good luck.

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