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Tips For Choosing And Storing Good Spinach So That The Spinach Lasts Long And Stays Fresh

Spinach is one of the green plants that is usually grown for the consumption of its leaves.

This one plant comes from tropical America, but currently spinach is spread throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Spinach is known as a vegetable that has a very important iron. Therefore, to get the benefits it is very important if we consume this one vegetable.

Spinach is usually processed as the main dish to eat. Many processed foods that we can get from this one vegetable, apart from vegetables, spinach is also usually processed by frying or processing into chips.

Well, to get a dish that is fresher and healthier, then we must pay attention to the spinach itself when processing it. It is hoped that you have to choose spinach properly and correctly before processing it.

In addition to choosing spinach, we also have to pay attention to tips or how to store spinach. This is so that the spinach you buy remains fresh and durable even in a few days. These tips are very useful for those of you who usually always stock up on vegetables for a few days.

So what are the tips for choosing and storing spinach to keep it fresh and durable? If you are curious and want to know, you can immediately refer to the discussion below.

tips for choosing and storing good spinach so that the spinach lasts long and stays fresh

Tips for Choosing and Storing Good Spinach So that Spinach Lasts Long and Stays Fresh

1. Buy Spinach

When you buy spinach, then you have to pay attention to it. When choosing spinach, you should choose spinach that has the leaves still intact and looks unpicked. In addition, you also have to choose spinach leaves that look green or dark spinach leaves. Because spinach has yellow leaves, it's a sign that the spinach has started to wilt and is no longer fresh.

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Not only that, you should also avoid buying packaged spinach. This is because the spinach that is packaged is usually mostly yellow, so that there will be mucus on the spinach leaves. However, if you are forced to choose spinach in packaged form, then pay attention to the best date before the spinach is used, usually the date is listed on the package. And it would be even better if you buy organic spinach.

2. Storing spinach

Storing vegetables in plastic is indeed one effective way. But keep in mind, when you store spinach using a plastic bag tightly enough, this will cause the spinach to wilt easily and not be fresh anymore. Therefore, when storing spinach in plastic, you must open the plastic bag used to store the spinach, this is so that the spinach is not trapped and air can enter. Only then, you have to store it in the refrigerator. In this way, the durability or age of the spinach will last for about three days.

In order for spinach to last a long time, you must really pay attention when buying and storing it. Hopefully the tips that we provide above can help you. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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