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Tips For Choosing Quality And Healthy Cooking Oil

Cooking oil is one of the ingredients that is indispensable when cooking, even its presence is always present in every family kitchen even though in reality consuming too much oil is not good for health.

Because its use cannot be abandoned, therefore we do not have to abandon it but must be smarter in choosing and using the cooking oil itself.

Although buying oil is commonplace, the fact is that there are still many women who still don't know what quality oil looks like and vice versa. For this reason, many women are trapped when buying it.

tips for choosing quality and healthy cooking oil

It is important to choose and buy good, quality and healthy cooking oil, because as we all know choosing cooking oil will affect the health of the whole family. Also Read: How To Make Fried Rice

There are certain tips that you can apply when you want to choose or buy cooking oil. These tips are very useful and can help you. So what are the tips? To find out, you can see directly in the discussion below.

Tips for Choosing Quality and Healthy Cooking Oil

Pay attention to the characteristics of the oil you buy

When choosing and buying oil, to get quality and healthy oil, you must pay attention to the characteristics of the oil you are going to buy. Choose a clear oil, besides that you also have to make sure that the oil is not too thick and does not freeze easily. Because oils with these characteristics are very high risk for health, such as increasing a person's risk of getting cancer, bad cholesterol, and will cause itching in the throat.

Pay attention to the smell and color

Quality, good and healthy cooking oil has a distinctive aroma and does not smell rancid. If you smell a rancid smell in the oil, then that is a sign that the cooking oil has been damaged. If consumed will endanger health. As for the color, quality and healthy cooking oil has a clear and clear color.

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Pay attention to the composition of the oil

In addition to paying attention to the characteristics of the oil itself, you also have to pay attention to the composition of the oil you are going to buy. Make sure you first read the composition on the back of the packaging before deciding to buy it.

Choose low fat oil

Basically, oil contains high enough saturated fat, so that it will lead to cholesterol and fat levels that will be at risk for heart health. Therefore, choose oils that contain low fat. For example, olive oil, corn oil and so on.

Choose fats that are high in omega 3

The content of omega 3 can maintain our heart health. Therefore, to maintain the health of your beloved family, you can start switching to higher quality and healthier oils.

Smart use of cooking oil

So that you and your family avoid various kinds of dangerous diseases, it would be better if you don't use oil repeatedly. If the oil you have used changes color due to food residue, then you should replace it with new oil. Not only that, when cooking you must avoid temperatures that are too hot to avoid the formation of free radicals that will endanger health and damage the vitamin content contained in cooking oil.

Those are tips for choosing quality and healthy cooking oil. May be useful.

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