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Recipes And How To Make Mango Pancakes That Are Fresh, Delicious And Delicious

Mango pancakes are a delicious and delicious dish.

The content of mango pieces on the inside will make it taste even more delicious and delicious. Thus there is nothing wrong if you try to make this dish at home. Check out the recipe below!

recipes and how to make mango pancakes that are fresh, delicious and delicious

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Fresh, Delicious and Delicious Mango Pancakes
4.8 865

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 Servings

Ingredients Needed To Make Fresh, Delicious and Delicious Mango Pancakes

Pancake Skin Ingredients:

  • 100 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 250 ml liquid milk
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon margarine

Pancake Filling Ingredients:

  • 100 ml water
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 10 grams of mango flesh
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 10 grams of cornstarch
  • 5 grams of wheat flour
  • 150 heavy cream
  • 3 drops dark yellow coloring
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

How to Make Fresh, Delicious and Delicious Mango Pancakes

How to Make Pancake Stuffing:

  1. First, you should prepare in advance some of the equipment you will need to make pancakes. Some utensils such as a basin, a non-stick pan, a whisk and a serving plate are some of the tools that will be essential and you will need to make the dough this time. Now considering the importance of the function of the equipment above, you should not skip the steps above.
  2. After you are done with preparing the equipment above, continue with preparing the ingredients to be processed before being mixed with other ingredients.
  3. The first ingredient that must be processed is margarine, please melt the margarine in a frying pan and use medium heat to melt this material, wait until it completely melts and set aside temporarily at room temperature to cool evenly.
  4. After all the ingredients are prepared, now we will start making the pancake stuffing, namely the mango jam filling. The trick, first puree the mango that has been peeled and the flesh has been separated. Use a spoon or fork to grind these ingredients.
  5. To make the filling, you can boil water in a saucepan along with mango, sugar, mazeina, flour and salt. Stir these ingredients until bubbling and turn off the heat. Then remove and set aside for a while.
  6. Take a little stuffing dough and add the egg yolks. Stir this material evenly. Then pour it back into the stew of the stuffed dough and add it with food coloring. Turn on the fire and stir again until bubbling and remove and cool for a while.
  7. Then beat the heavy cream until it is half fluffy and slowly pour it into this mixture and beat again until smooth.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Special Wheat Potato Pancakes

See also: Various Recipes of Candied Mango

How to Make Pancake Dough:

  1. To make pancake batter, you can mix flour with sugar. And stir evenly.
  2. Add with liquid milk and eggs. Stir again until smooth. Enter the margarine that you have melted and stir evenly.
  3. Prepare a frying pan and spread evenly with margarine. Wait until the margarine becomes more evenly distributed and the pan becomes hotter.
  4. Pour the batter into it thinly and wait until it is crusty. Remove and place on a flat place then put the filling into the pancake skin and roll up neatly. Don't forget to add the mango pieces and fold it back.

Serve on a plate and arrange beautifully. To then serve.

See other interesting articles: Recipe for Making Thai Mango

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