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Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Crunchy Soft Ice Cream Waffles

When visiting a restaurant or cafe, you may easily find the waffle menu listed in the menu book.

And did you know this dish does have a delicious taste. So it is not surprising that many restaurants serve this dish as their mainstay menu. Moreover, the interesting toppings they serve always attract attention and invite us to eat them.

Other articles : How to Make Fruit Ice Cream

Like in this ice cream waffle recipe. So that you can serve this dish at home, let's look at the recipe for making soft ice cream waffles below.

recipes and how to make delicious and crunchy soft ice cream waffles

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Soft and Crispy Soft Ice Cream Waffles
4.6 432

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients needed to make delicious and crunchy soft ice cream waffles

Waffle Ingredients:

  • 280 gr wheat flour
  • 425 ml liquid milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 50 gr margarine

Supplementary material:

  • Vanilla ice cream (to taste)

How to Make Soft and Crispy Soft Ice Cream Waffles

How to Prepare Materials and Equipment:

  1. We prepare in advance the equipment that will be needed to make waffle dough. This is very important to do and you should prioritize. Because in this way, later you will be able to make waffle dough more easily and more practically. As for some of the equipment that will be needed to make waffle dough, including a basin, a mold, a whisk and a serving plate. Given the importance of the function of the equipment this time, you should not miss some of the items mentioned above to prepare.
  2. After you have finished preparing the equipment, continue with preparing the ingredients in the recipe. Namely by melting margarine. The trick is to put the margarine into the pan and stir evenly. Let the pan heat and cook the margarine until it becomes more liquid evenly. Remove this dish and set aside temporarily to cool at room temperature.
  3. For the rest of the ingredients you just need to prepare them close to your reach. For then these materials will be ready to be mixed into other ingredients.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Simple Original Waffle Cakes that are Easy, Crispy, Practical and Delicious

How to Make Waffle Dough:

  1. To make waffle dough, first sift dry ingredients such as flour and baking powder together. Enter in a sieve and sieve this material evenly, then collect in a container and then set aside temporarily.
  2. When finished, continue to beat the margarine together with salt and powdered sugar until fluffy. Use a whisk to mix these ingredients evenly. Add in the eggs and stir or beat until everything is evenly mixed.
  3. After that, while still whisking, please add the liquid milk little by little and stir again evenly until all these ingredients are evenly mixed.
  4. Prepare a waffle mold, spread with margarine evenly until all parts are smeared with this material. After that, heat it on the stove over low heat.
  5. Pour the mixture into it and cover and cook until the dough is cooked and browned. Do the same for the rest of the dough until it runs out and cooks evenly.

After it's cooked, take a waffle sheet, put some of the bottom and top it with just 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream, then cover it with another waffle sheet. Then serve while still warm and fresh.

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