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Practical Recipes And How To Make Pokcoy Tofu Flush Eggs That Are Simple But Delicious And Appetizing

Often feel bored with the standard menu and that's all? Innovating is one way you can do it.

Talking about dish innovation, this time we try to use vegetables in the form of spoon mustard or better known as pokcoy. Pokcoy has various benefits such as for the skin or for the eyes, so it is worth trying to make it as a delicious dish and served as a special dish.

One of the menus that you can try using pokcoy is pokcoy tofu flush with eggs. As the name implies, this menu serves pokcoy vegetables which are complemented by tofu and a splash of egg sauce that is very tempting. At first glance this menu is not too difficult to make, but behind its simplicity you can actually find delicacy that tantalizes the taste buds.

Please refer to the recipe for making the Pokcoy dish menu below and serve it as a dish for those closest to you.

practical recipes and how to make pokcoy tofu flush eggs that are simple but delicious and appetizing

Recipe Name

Practical Recipes and How to Make Pokcoy Tofu Flush with Eggs, which is simple but delicious and appetizing
4.9 125

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 people

Ingredients needed to make a delicious and steady dish of Pokcoy Tofu with Egg Flush Sauce

Ingredients and Seasonings

  • 500 grams of pokcoy, choose the good and fresh leaves. Wash then drain
  • 3 chicken eggs, break and beat
  • Adequate food flavoring
  • 1 clove of onion, thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves of red onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • Enough chili sauce
  • oyster sauce to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • Enough water
  • 3 pieces of tofu

Practical Ways to Process Delicious and Delicious Servings of Pokcoy Tofu Flush with Delicious and Delicious Eggs

Making Steps

  1. Prepare a frying pan and heat the oil over medium heat, then you fry the pieces of tofu that you have into it. Then you pick up.
  2. Take the cleaned pokcoy then you slice the vegetables, set aside.
  3. Reheat the oil and fry the onions, red and white until fragrant, then you put the pokcoy along with the tomato pieces into the pan. stir and cook on low heat.
  4. Pour a little water into your pan and add some food flavoring ingredients, such as chili sauce, flavoring and salt. Stir gently until completely evenly distributed.
  5. Take the beaten egg and then put it in the pan, stir gently so it doesn't break.
  6. After a while you can put the fried tofu that you previously processed into the cooking pan.
  7. Stir all the ingredients in the cooking pan for a while, then after it feels cooked enough you can turn off the heat and lift the dish into a serving bowl.
  8. serve with rice while still warm.

Also Read Cooking Recipes and How to Make Pokcoy Sauteed Sweet Corn in the Most Delicious But Simple and Easy Oyster Sauce

Thus the recipe and the manufacturing steps that you can see and follow. This delicious dish can be an option for those of you who feel bored with the daily menu that has the same menu.

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