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Healthy And Delicious Vegetable Spinach Recipe Mixed Corn And Carrots

Clear Spinach Vegetable Recipe - Spinach is one of the green vegetables that is known to be rich in nutrients. Raw green spinach contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, beta-carotene, niacin to vitamin C. In addition, the water and energy content in spinach is also quite high, so it is not surprising that spinach is called a vegetable. nutritious.

Spinach has many health benefits, including good eye vision, managing diabetes, strengthening muscles, preventing cancer, maintaining blood pressure and so on.

Spinach can also be processed into various delicious menus for the menu. For example, vegetables, sauteed with various other additional ingredients according to taste so that the spinach dish is more delicious.

Also read: Recipes and How to Make Healthy and Delicious Vegetable Omelettes for Breakfast

Well, one of the healthy, delicious and nutritious spinach dishes is clear spinach mixed with carrots and corn. The mixture of these additional ingredients makes spinach nutrition more complete. In addition, when making it also do not use cooking oil because the spices are directly boiled in water. You can make this clear spinach vegetable menu mixed with corn and carrots for breakfast, lunch or dinner menus that are practical. Coupled with a variety of other menus, your meal will be more appetizing.

Let's see the recipe and how to make clear spinach mixed with corn and carrots. How to make it easy and the materials needed are practical.

Healthy and Delicious Vegetable Spinach Recipe with Corn and Carrots

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword main dish, recipe for spinach, spinach
Preparation Time 20 minutes
Cooking Time 12 minutes
3 serving
Calories 36 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 1 carrot _
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2,000 ml of water
  • 300 grams of spinach
  • 2 tbsp fried red onion
  • 3 pieces of young sweet corn

Required Seasoning

  • 2 cm kencur
  • 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 red onions
  • 1 1/2 tbsp salt


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. The first step that must be done is to prepare the materials. Please take the spinach that has been provided. Then wash and wash until clean. If so, drain it first.

  2. Next, please cut the young sweet corn with the thickness according to taste. However, make sure it's not too thick.

  3. After that, please slice the carrots obliquely to the thickness according to taste. Then slice kencur.

How to Make Clear Spinach Mixed with Corn and Carrots

  1. Please take the pot that will be used to make spinach. Then add water and boil together with spices such as bay leaves, shallots and kencur. Boil until boiling and smell fragrant.

  2. Next, add the chopped corn. Boil the corn until done.

  3. When it is cooked, please add the carrots. Stir again until smooth.

  4. Also add spices such as brown sugar and salt. Stir until evenly distributed.

  5. Add the spinach that you have cleaned and washed. Stir well and cook until done.

  6. After the spinach is cooked, you can lift it and serve it in a serving dish. Then you can sprinkle fried shallots.

The spinach vegetable is finished. Enjoy while warm with a plate of warm rice to make it more delicious. In order for your menu to be more complete, you can enjoy it with other additional menus such as fried tempeh, fish and others according to taste.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Stir-fried Peanuts Mixed with Shrimp which is Nutritious and Delicious

See also : Vietnamese Spring Roll Recipe

That's the recipe and how to make clear spinach mixed with corn and carrots. Good luck.

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