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Easy Recipes To Make Delicious Lodeh Vegetable Cucut Fish

Making lodeh vegetables with the basic ingredients of shark, seems interesting for you to apply at home.

Seawater fish or freshwater fish are one of the dishes that are in great demand by many culinary lovers, both in Indonesia and abroad. In addition to its distinctive taste, fish is indeed one of the ways to meet the nutritional needs and nutrients that are needed by the body. One of the fish that we will try to peel is the shark. We find a lot of shark that lives in sea water in the waters of the archipelago, that's why there are many fishermen who want to catch it, because there are many who like cooking with the basic ingredients of this shark. In addition, the price of shark is quite good with the large number of requests from the community.

Shark fish is a very unique type of fish because it has a flat shape, and is very good for consumption because it has many health benefits. Many of the content contained in this fish such as one of them contains high protein and also contains omega 3 and many other content that can support your daily nutrition. Well, for those of you who like to cook shark, this time we will try a new and different variant of the dish, namely making vegetable lodeh with the basic ingredients of shark. Curious as to what the recipe is and how to cook it, here's an Easy Recipe for Making Delicious Lodeh Vegetable Cucut Fish, and we'll look at the steps below.

easy recipes to make delicious lodeh vegetable cucut fish

Recipe Name

Easy Recipes to Make Delicious Lodeh Vegetable Cucut Fish

4.9 312

Cooking Time



Also Read Recipes and How to Make Steamed Cucut Fish Practically with Simple Seasoning


Number of Servings

5 Servings

The ingredients needed to make the delicious Cucut Sayur Lodeh Fish Cuisine

The main ingredient

  • 500 grams of fresh mackerel
  • 250 grams of coconut milk
  • cooking oil for frying

Seasoning ingredient

  • 3 red onions, sliced
  • 2 hazelnuts
  • 1 clove garlic, sliced
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 4 pieces of red lombok
  • 1 finger cinnamon
  • 1 finger ginger
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 laos finger
  • 1 tablespoon salt

How to Make Delicious Lodeh Vegetable Cucut Fish

How to cook

  1. The first is to wash the shark until it's clean.
  2. Next is to prepare a pestle then puree the spices in the form of candlenut, cinnamon, ginger and brown sugar.
  3. Next is to heat the cooking oil, then saute the shallots, garlic and red chilies until fragrant and dry, then add the mashed seasoning ingredients, stir.
  4. After that add the coconut milk, then add the fish, stir until it boils and is cooked.
  5. After that enter the bay leaf and salt, cook for a while, stir. Ripe
  6. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the easy recipe for making delicious lodeh vegetable cutlet fish that you should try to make yourself at home. Easy to find ingredients and easy cooking methods. Complete your daily nutrition by making this fish lodeh vegetable that always adorns your food. Serve this green fish lode along with warm white rice plus crackers, of course, this dish is more delicious and savory when eaten. By making this fish lodeh vegetable dish, it will certainly add to the collection in your daily diet. Hopefully useful and good luck.

Don't forget to share the Easy Recipe for Making Delicious Lodeh Vegetable Cutlet Fish for all culinary lovers at, and don't forget to leave a comment in the column below, thank you.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Sauteed Cucut Fish and Sprouts

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