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Cooking Recipes And How To Make Delicious, Savory And Special Puffed Fish Curry

Mackerel curry is one of the main dishes that has a delicious taste that is so special. Besides being delicious, this dish can also be made at home easily. Want to know how to make delicious and savory mackerel sugar? Come on, see the following recipe.

cooking recipes and how to make delicious, savory and special puffed fish curry

Recipe Name

Cooking Recipes and How to Make Puffy Fish Curry Delicious, Savory and Special

4.8 98

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 Serving

Ingredients Needed To Make Puffy Fish Curry Delicious, Savory and Special

Main Ingredients of Mackerel:

  • 500 gr mackerel
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp lime juice

Mackerel Fish Curry Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • 1 lb turmeric leaves
  • 4 stalks of ruku-ruku leaves
  • 5 eyes tamarind

Ingredients for mashed puffer fish curry:

  • 15 red chilies
  • 8 cloves of red onion
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 1/2 segment of turmeric
  • 1 segment of galangal, bruised

Complementary Ingredients for Mackerel:

  • Fried onions
  • A sprig of basil (garnish)
  • Slices of red chili (garnish)
  • Warm white rice

How to make a delicious, savory and special puffer fish curry

How to Clean Mackerel Fish:

  1. The first way you can do first in this recipe is to clean the mackerel that you bought before we cook and season it into a delicious and delicious dish. Well, to clean mackerel the first thing you can do is to clean the innards of the fish's stomach. The trick, please split a little part of the belly of the fish and take the fish innards by hand. In addition, make sure that there are no fish innards left in the fish's stomach.
  2. After the fish innards are cleaned evenly, then please also clean the gills on the fish head. This section accumulates and stores a lot of germs which is very important for us to clean evenly. To clean the fish gills, please open the fish head a little and remove the fish gills by hand. In addition, make sure that the fish head can be cleaned evenly using clean running water.
  3. Finish cleaning all parts of the fish body, then please cut the fish into two or three parts evenly.
  4. Next, please coat the fish using lime juice and salt evenly. This is used to remove the fishy smell that is still attached to the fish. After that, let stand for about 5 minutes so that this seasoning permeates the fish evenly.

Also Read Recipe for Spicy Sour Patin Fish Soup

How to make puffer fish curry:

  1. The first thing that can be done in advance to make mackerel curry is to smooth the spices and ingredients that are mashed using a pestle to make sure all the ingredients are smooth evenly.
  2. Then, pour 500 cc of water into a wok or pan and cook together with the spices that have been mashed until thickened and the stir-fry water recedes evenly.
  3. After that, add lemongrass, tamarind, turmeric leaves, ruku-ruku leaves and galangal. Stir and stir-fry until wilted and smell good
  4. Then put the cleaned mackerel into it and cook until the spices absorb into the fish evenly and the fish is cooked.

Once cooked, please remove the fish from the spice stew and serve it on a serving plate. Also sprinkle the rest of the fish curry seasoning on top to add flavor and taste and add complementary ingredients on top. Thus the recipe for making mackerel curry that is delicious and delicious.

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