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Sardines Recipe Unkep Savory Soy Sauce

Want a dish with a sweet taste but has extraordinary delicacy, we present a dish of sardines with ungkep soy sauce.

Sardines have a small shape and are included in the oily fish group. Usually these sardines as food with canned gold fish. Sardines actually have several types of sardines, but they still have one species which is usually served with canned sardines, which we usually encounter a lot.

Asrden fish that live in sea water are actually a lot of benefits that can be obtained from consuming sardines, one of the benefits is the prevention of heart disease, then some cancers etc. Another benefit of consuming sardines is that they are able to strengthen bones, then build the immune system and then rejuvenate the skin. Sardines are actually able to be good for health because they contain many nutrients, especially in marine fish, which is very high in protein, one of which can be found in sardines.
Now, after knowing the benefits that are good for health, it is better now to start making a variant of this sardine dish, we will present a simple dish in the form of sardines with soy sauce and onion seasoning. Let's see the steps below.

sardines recipe unkep savory soy sauce

Recipe Name

Sardines Recipe Unkep Savory Soy Sauce

4.9 306

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

8 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Sardines with Savory Soy Sauce

The main ingredient

  • 4 sardines
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 250 grams of tofu, cut into pieces
  • 300 ml water
  • Vegetable oil as needed

Also Read Recipes for Making Practical Sweet and Sour Sardines

Seasoning ingredient

  • 20 grams of onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

How to Make Sardines with Savory Soy Sauce

How to cook

  1. The first is to clean the sardines, cut off the head, remove the entrails, then wash it thoroughly, then coat it with garlic, then salt and lime. then let it rest for about 15 minutes.
  2. Next is to heat about 3 tablespoons of oil, then sauté the onions and garlic until fragrant.
  3. Next add soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, then ground pepper, then sesame oil, then pour in the water and stir until it boils.
  4. After boiling then add the sardines and tofu, stir gently.
  5. Cook until cooked and the gravy looks thickened and so that the spices seep into the sardines.
  6. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the Recipe for Sardines with Savory Soy Sauce that you can try to make at home. The ingredients are easy to find and also how to make it very simple. The delicacy of this ungkep sardines with soy sauce has a savory and sweet taste that penetrates the flesh and bones of the sardines. Serve this ungkep sardines along with warm white rice which will surely make you feel addicted. By making this ungkep sardine dish with soy sauce, it will certainly add to the collection in your daily diet. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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