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Tips To Get Rid Of Bad Smells In Your Little One's Lunchbox

Providing children with a variety of home-cooked foods is certainly a good thing for mothers to do. Especially when you see the number of snacks that are not healthy and safe for your baby, it seems that making the choice to provide food from home is the best alternative to prevent them from the dangers of consuming unhealthy food or snacks at school.

Besides being healthy, the food that the mother cooks at home is used as a lunch for the little one to go to school. Of course, giving mothers the opportunity to ensure that their little ones get the nutrition they need.

Moreover, the names of children at their current age of course they are in a period of growth. Where this phase requires mothers to be able to provide the nutrition and nutrition they need.

Thus the growth and development of the little one will be maintained properly.

tips to get rid of bad smells in your little one's lunchbox

Tips to Get Rid of Bad Smells in Your Little One's Lunchbox

Unfortunately, apart from confusion with the food menu that keeps changing every day. Another problem that mothers may face is the problem of unpleasant odors that often appear in the little rice box.

The smell that arises from the leftover food left on the little one's lunch box often makes mothers confused about cleaning it. But don't worry, below we will provide some important tips just for you.

Overcome with Squeezed Newspaper

The first way that you will be able to do to overcome the unpleasant odor from your little one's lunch box is to use a kneaded newspaper. This way you don't have to bother looking for and digging for ways to get rid of this fishy or unpleasant smell in your little one's lunch box.

So, when you subscribe to newspapers at home, don't throw away old newspapers that are no longer in use. Because this item will be useful to overcome the problems that you are currently facing.

So why newspapers? This is because newspapers are known as one of the unexpected items that are closely related to absorbing unpleasant odors in an equipment. Including the unpleasant smell in the little lunch box.

The method is quite easy, you only need to squeeze old newspapers that are not used. Then put it in your little one's rice box and rub gently in each corner until it's clean. Set aside for a while and cover the lunch box with a lid.

After a while you will find that your little one's lunch box can be cleaned using dish soap. To check if it works or not, after washing you can smell the inside of your little one's lunch box.

Absorb Odor with Charcoal

Do you know? Charcoal can not only work to clean dirt and absorb it well. But also the unpleasant odor will be overcome by using charcoal. This method will certainly be useful for those of you who are plagued with problems with unpleasant odors in the baby's lunch box.

Usually the problem of overcoming this odor is very difficult for you to overcome. So, instead of replacing the rice box with a new one, why not try this easy step using charcoal.

However, considering the charcoal will probably leave black marks on the rice box. So it's best to do an experiment first whether the charcoal stain will be able to be cleaned with dish soap or not.

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The way you can do is to store the charcoal directly in the rice box. Then cover the top with a cover. Only after that, let stand for a few moments or a day.

The next day you will be able to clean the rice box by using laundry soap evenly. Next please try whether this method works or not. Because usually for plastic materials this method will be quite effective.

Spread Baking Soda

Finding the baby's rice box has an unpleasant smell, it might make the mother confused about this condition. If it is not handled properly then this smell may have an impact on the food you put in it.

It is not impossible that the fresh food that the mother puts in the rice box of the little one is easily smelled due to the smell carried by the rice box. In addition, the residual odor remaining on the rice box may cause the food that you put in it to spoil easily.

For this reason, it is very important to find a way to solve this problem properly. Well, instead of getting confused by throwing away the new rice box. Then maybe this will be able to waste a lot of money. Instead of being dumped why not tackle this problem properly?

One of them is to use baking soda. Baking soda is one of the most common baking ingredients. This way, it will be easier for you to find this one ingredient anywhere.

How to use this one material is actually quite easy. You just need to form the baking soda into a paste. The trick, mix baking soda with a little water and stir until this material becomes thick.

Only after that, apply it on the surface of the rice box and leave it for a day so that the benefits can work well and evenly in cleaning the smell of your little one's rice box.

Use Coffee

Another ingredient that you can use to get rid of the bad smell in your baby's rice box is to use coffee. This material has long been known as a good material to be able to absorb odors from equipment or an item.

You will also be able to use the caffeine content in coffee properly to clean equipment from stains that stick. For that, then this one ingredient will be effective for you to use well to overcome the pungent odor.

The type of coffee needed to be able to clean the smell from the baby's rice box is ground coffee. Ground black coffee without a mixture of sugar or other mixtures is an effective type of coffee to overcome the problem of odor in the rice box.

For this reason, you will be able to use this material by sprinkling coffee directly on the rice box and then smoothing it by hand. Or you can enter it by stirring and covering the top evenly.

Wait for about a day and the next day you will be able to clean this dish evenly. Wash your little one's rice container with water and clean it with dish soap.

Use Lemon or Lime

For a long time, lemon or lime ingredients have been used to remove unpleasant odors. Whether on food or perhaps on cooking utensils, lemon makes a great natural remedy to combat this kind of unpleasant odor. For this reason, it is not surprising that this one ingredient will be able to benefit you well.

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In addition, if we are observant, we see that there are many dishwashing ingredients that use lemon or lime as the main ingredient in their dishwashing products. This seems to clearly explain that this material will be very good for cleaning ash and dirt on rice boxes and other eating utensils.

For this reason, you will be able to use this material well to eliminate unpleasant odors in your little one's lunch box. The method is quite easy, you only need one to two lemons. Cut it in half and spread it all over the surface of the rice box.

Wait for a while and the next day you will be able to clean your little one's rice box as usual by adding dish soap to it. Then rub evenly until dirt and grease can be cleaned properly.

Use Tea Dregs

Another ingredient that will be useful both to overcome the fishy smell in rice boxes and other eating utensils is to use tea dregs. Sometimes they face problems such as bad smells on cutlery even though they have been cleaned properly and using dish soap. However, the smell left behind is still noticeable, so this might be a very confusing thing.

But not this time, if you have tea dregs at home or for those of you who often enjoy tea bags. So from now on don't throw away the tea bag dregs you use. Because you can use this material to overcome unpleasant odors in your little one's lunch box.

The method is quite easy and almost similar to some of the steps above that we practiced from some of the previous materials. You just need to remove the tea dregs from the bag and gently apply it thoroughly to the inside of the rice box.

Including the cover evenly. Then close the lid tightly and you will be able to clean this dish the next day. As usual you will be able to use dish soap evenly. Then clean as usual. This way you will find your little one's lunch box free from strong odors.

Take advantage of Ginger

The last way that you can do to overcome the problem of odor in your little one's lunch box is to use ginger. This method will be a method that is quite easy for you to apply. This is because as we know that ginger is one of the ingredients that is always in the kitchen.

So, to use this method, you will be able to do it easily without having to look for ginger at the market or supermarket first. In addition, the application is quite simple and you will be able to do it quickly and easily.

The trick is to cut the ginger with a knife. Then the part that you have cut will be able to spread evenly on the entire surface of the little rice box. Do this method on the lid of your little one's meal.

Wait for a few moments until all day, well the next day you will be able to clean this lunch box by cleaning it with soap and doing it as usual. In this way, the fishy smell and other unpleasant odors will be handled properly.

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