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Steamed Flush Donut Recipe

Steamed Flush Donut Recipe – Why are donuts steamed? Yes, you did not misread the title of the recipe this time where we will make donuts by steaming and not frying!

Steamed donuts are one of the food variants that are currently viral. With the steaming process, this donut not only has a delicious taste but also a very soft texture when you eat it.

Many call the texture of these donuts a bit like buns. However, what makes steamed donuts with buns different is that steamed donuts don't have any filling in them like buns but are equipped with toppings of various flavors on top like normal donuts.

In addition to being a more different variety of donuts and suitable for those of you who are bored with donuts with the process of making fried ones, steamed donuts are also very suitable when you are avoiding oily food. Moreover, currently cooking oil is very difficult to find in the market and is sold at very high prices.

Below, we present a steamed flush donut recipe that is very practical and easy to try at home!

Steamed Flush Donut Recipe

Steamed donuts are perfect for those of you who want to enjoy a slightly different donut dish or if you're avoiding oily food. What's more, steamed donuts are one of the most popular foods right now, so there's nothing wrong with trying to make them at home. In this recipe, we present how to make steamed flush donuts that are very easy to try!

Sajian Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Masakan Indonesian
Keyword Aneka resep Kue, donat kukus siram, resep donat kukus, resep donat siram
Waktu Memasak 1 hour 45 minutes
Porsi 20 buah


  • 250 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
  • 2 sendok makan gula pasir
  • 1 sendok teh ragi instan
  • 150 ml air hangat
  • 50 gram margarin yang sudah dilelehkan
  • 2 sendok teh susu bubuk
  • 1/2 sendok teh garam


  1. Prepare a container, mix sugar, instant yeast, and warm water and stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Let stand for about 10 minutes and looks frothy.

  2. Pour the melted margarine into the yeast mixture, stir until evenly mixed.

  3. Add flour, milk powder, and salt until you get a smooth and well-blended dough. Cover with a napkin and let sit for about thirty minutes or until the dough rises.

  4. After the dough looks fluffy, shape it into small balls as many as twenty pieces or you can also adjust the size of the donut according to your taste.

  5. Arrange the dough that has been shaped into small balls on a baking sheet or heat-resistant container. Let stand again for about 30 minutes.

  6. After 30 minutes, heat the steamer and then steam the dough for 25 minutes until the donuts are cooked.

  7. When the donuts look cooked and perfectly puffed, remove from the steamer.

  8. Flush the donuts with toppings according to your taste such as chocolate sauce, palm sugar, ganache and so on, serve.

You can use various types of toppings to complete your steamed donut dish such as powdered sugar, matcha, jam, and so on. In addition to being enjoyed alone and with family, these steamed donuts can also be a culinary business idea that is sure to be loved by many people!

(Also read: Chicken Pao Folding Recipe)

Good luck making steamed flush donuts at home!

Read also Serabi Solo Recipe

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