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Recipes And Ways To Make Fried Meatballs Satay That Are Easy And Loved By Children

The fried meatball satay dish is a special dish that children love.

The tempting shape and delicious taste and so delicious make children fall in love with this dish. Well, so that mom can serve a dish of fried meat balls at home for your little one, let's look at the following recipe.

recipes and ways to make fried meatballs satay that are easy and loved by children

Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make easy fried meatballs satay that kids love

4.7 156

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 Servings

Ingredients Needed To Make Easy Fried Meatball Sate Balls That Kids Love

Main Ingredients To Make Fried Meatball Sate:

  • Ground beef 100 g
  • Onion finely chopped 20 g
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Bread Flour 15 g
  • Salt and bangkok chili to taste
  • Pepper powder 1/2 tsp
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • Cooking oil 500 ml
  • Skewer to taste

Complementary Ingredients for Fried Meatball Sate:

  • Chili sauce
  • Tomato sauce
  • Sweet soy sauce
  • Grated cheese

How to Make Sate with Fried Meatballs that are Easy and Liked by Children

How to Make Beef Ball Dough:

  1. The first thing you can do first to start the recipe step this time is to first make the fried meat ball dough before we serve it with delicious complementary ingredients and become a special dish.
  2. To make a dish of fried meat balls, you can do this by mixing the ground beef ingredients together with salt and pepper powder, then using a spoon or wooden spoon, stir all the ingredients evenly.
  3. After that, just add the chopped garlic and onions along with the egg yolks and stir again using a spoon.
  4. After mixed evenly, now add the breadcrumbs, only this time please knead the dough by hand so that the meat ball dough becomes easier to shape and knead until almost smooth.
  5. After kneading, now please form the dough with small rounds as big as you want.
  6. When all the dough has been shaped all round, now we prepare a frying pan and pour cooking oil into it, wait until the oil gets hotter and put the meat balls that have been shaped into it then fry until they are brown and evenly cooked. In addition, when frying the meat balls, you should not turn them too often so that the meat ball dough is not easily destroyed when fried. For that, please fry on one side until it is completely cooked on one side and turn it over if this part is cooked evenly.
  7. Once cooked, we lift and drain the meat ball first on a plate that is given a paper towel so that the oil quickly absorbs into the tissue, then set aside temporarily.

Also Read Recipes and How to Cook Delicious Minced Beef Sauteed/Grinded Beans

How to Serve Meatball Sate:

  1. After the meat balls are all fried and cooked evenly. Now we take the skewers that have been prepared in advance.
  2. Then prick the meat balls on the skewer with the desired amount, here I use 3-4 meat balls in one skewer.
  3. After that, serve it on a serving plate and give a drip of tomato sauce and chili sauce as a base then give grated cheese on top
  4. Lastly, sprinkle soy sauce on top of the grated cheese.

After that, please serve the delicious dish of this fried meat ball satay for your beloved family, especially the children at home. That's the recipe and how to make a delicious fried meatball satay dish.

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