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Recipes And How To Make Zebra Bread Pudding Which Is Soft, Cheerful And Delicious

The zebra plain bread pudding dish is a delicious dessert and so delicious.

In addition to the delicacy that is so distinctive, you can certainly make this dish at home easily and simply. By being able to serve this dish at home, then you will be able to present a sweet and special pudding dish this time.

The zebra plain bread pudding dish will certainly be more delicious when served cold. For this reason, when removing this dish from the steamer, you should wait for a while until it warms up and put it in the refrigerator to cool it down.

So, so that you don't wonder what the recipe for making Zebra white bread pudding is, see the recipe below.

recipes and how to make zebra bread pudding which is soft, cheerful and delicious

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Zebra Bread Pudding that is Soft, Cheerful and Delicious

4.9 215

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 pan

Ingredients Needed To Make Soft, Cheerful and Delicious Zebra Bread Pudding

Pudding Ingredients:

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 50 ml sweetened condensed milk chocolate
  • 200 gr sugar
  • 1 liter of liquid milk
  • 8 slices of white bread
  • 50 gr dark cooking chocolate, melt
  • 100 ml white sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 small sachets of milo powder

How to Make Soft, Cheerful and Delicious Zebra Bread Pudding

How to Prepare the Dough:

  1. For the first, the thing that can be done first is to prepare the ingredients that will be used to make the pudding dough this time. The purpose of preparing here is to process some of the ingredients before they are mixed and stirred into a delicious pudding mixture.
  2. For the first dough, we will prepare the white bread. The trick, remove the edges of the bread using a knife evenly and do it slowly evenly. It's best to do this step slowly so you don't peel or cut the whites of the bread.
  3. Next for dark cooking chocolate, please melt this ingredient in a glass bowl and place it on top of the boiling water using medium heat. Stir until evenly distributed until all these ingredients are melted and melted.
  4. Meanwhile, for the remaining ingredients, you only need to set aside these ingredients because you can mix the ingredients above directly with the ingredients to make other puddings.

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How to Make Zebra Bread Pudding:

  1. To make pudding, first, please blend plain bread together with egg yolks and 250 ml of liquid milk. Stir and use the highest speed on the blender until the ingredients are stirred and evenly mixed for about 5 minutes.
  2. Next, add 750 ml of liquid milk and also add 2 packs of gelatin, sugar and a little salt. Stir and cook over medium heat until the gelatin and sugar are dissolved in the water.
  3. After that, enter the white bread dough that has been blended little by little into the gelatin slowly while stirring until it boils.
  4. Divide the dough into halves and separate in different containers. Mix the first mixture with the white SKM and mix well and correct the taste. If you feel the taste is not sweet enough, then don't hesitate to add sugar.
  5. As for the second dough, please add it with SKM chocolate, milo powder and dark cooking chocolate. Then stir evenly.
  6. Now, if all the dough has been made evenly, please pour the white dough into the pan only half, then overwrite it with the brown dough in the middle and put the white dough back in a circle, do the same thing until the dough runs out.
  7. After that, steam in the steamer until cooked for about 30 minutes or until the dough hardens.

After the dough is cooked, remove the dough from the tin and serve on a plate. However, served cold will be more delicious. For that, please put it in the refrigerator first before eating.

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