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Recipes And How To Make Delicious Black Glutinous Chocolate Pudding

Pudding as a dessert is a very delicious dish.

If you usually get pudding by buying. Now you no longer need to go far to get it, because now we will share a dessert in the form of pudding. Pudding this time is different from before, if you find chocolate pudding, now you can consume chocolate pudding with black sticky rice, making this meal even more special.

Maybe most of you don't know and feel familiar to hear this black sticky rice pudding, but after listening to this article you will know it and will soon make it yourself at home to be served in your family. Can't wait to make it? Let's just look at the recipe and how to make a delicious and special black sticky rice pudding.

recipes and how to make delicious black glutinous chocolate pudding

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious Black Glutinous Chocolate Pudding

4.7 326

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients needed to make black sticky rice pudding

  • 1 sachet nutrijel chocolate
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 ounces of black sticky rice
  • 7 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
  • 900 ml boiled water
  • Nutrijel instant vla

How to Prepare Ingredients:

  1. For the first time, it can be done by first preparing the ingredients. This is very important because these ingredients are the ingredients you will use to make this dish.
  2. For the first ingredient is chocolate nutrijel, this one ingredient you can get in supermarkets. However, there are usually two types of agar, which are sold in small packages and large packages. So, what is meant here is that which is sold in large packages. For that, then choose the type so that this one will later get the right portion.
  3. Next for the black sticky rice. Similar to the ingredients above, you can get this one ingredient from supermarkets or rice sellers. It's just that, as a rule, choose the type of glutinous rice with the best quality so that the glutinous rice produced can be delicious and delicious.
  4. Likewise with instant vla material. In addition to the Nutrijel brand, there are also other brands that sell VLA instant with a similar type. That way you can choose one of them.
  5. As for the remaining ingredients, you only need to set aside these ingredients for us to mix directly with the other ingredients.

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How to make black sticky rice pudding:

  1. The first step, prepare a rice cooker. Clean the black sticky rice then put it in the rice cooker and cook. Give a little more water so that the black sticky rice becomes softer.
  2. While waiting for the black sticky rice to cook, then make the dough to make the pudding. Enter the chocolate flavored nutrijel, sweetened condensed milk, sugar and water into the pot you have provided. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, so that there are no lumps of pudding mixture, stir until it boils. Then lift.
  3. The cooked black sticky rice is then put into the mold you want. Then add pudding on top. Shut up.
  4. To quickly freeze, put the pudding in the refrigerator. Cool for a few minutes.
  5. After that, remove the pudding from the refrigerator, then serve.

That's a delicious black sticky rice pudding recipe that you can serve. By serving this dessert it will give a different sensation to your family. The pleasure of this black glutinous chocolate pudding will not be easy to forget because of its attractive taste and very delicious level of elasticity.

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