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Recipes And How To Make Complete And Delicious Nasi Uduk Rice Cooker

Nasi uduk is a typical main dish in Indonesia. Nasi uduk has a delicious taste, comes with a complete side dish and also makes it quite easy to use a rice cooker.

Nasi uduk originating from Betawi is very famous, even though it is white in color but the rice grains are not sticky and even the cooking process uses additional spices which make it even more special.

Nasi uduk is served with additional fried onions with side dishes such as fried chicken, fried tempeh and tofu. Even to add to the taste, rice uduk is added with special spices and peanut sauce.

Nasi uduk was originally only sold traditionally in Jakarta, one of which is famous for Nasi Uduk Betawi, Bean Gardens, but now it can be spread throughout the country, you can even easily make your own at home to serve a new menu of processed rice.

Making nasi uduk can now be made more practical by using a rice cooker, rice cooker or magic com. To make it easier for you to make Nasi Uduk, we will share a recipe with you to make/make Nasi Uduk using a rice cooker/magic com. Good luck trying the following Indonesian recipes:

recipes and how to make complete and delicious nasi uduk rice cooker


Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make complete and delicious Nasi Uduk Rice Cooker

4.6 190

Cooking Time 

Preparation: 10 minutes

Cooking: 30 minutes

Total: 40 minutes

The ingredients used to make nasi uduk rice cooker are complete and delicious

Main Ingredients for Nasi Uduk Rice Cooker

  • 3 cups of fluffier rice
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 200 ml thick coconut milk
  • salt to taste
  • enough water

Complementary ingredients for rice uduk rice cooker

  • Chicken meat
  • Fried vermicelli
  • Cucumber
  • Basil
  • Emping
  • Chilli sauce
  • Fried onions

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Original Betawi Uduk Rice, Complete, Special and Delicious

How to make complete and delicious nasi uduk rice cooker

How to make rice uduk

  1. The first step is to clean it, then put it in the rice cooker, then pour the thick coconut milk into the rice cooker. Stir until smooth then add lemongrass, bay leaf and salt to taste.
  2. After that, turn on the rice cooker for about 20 minutes, then open the rice cooker, stir slowly, evenly and for a while then close again
  3. Next, the cooked uduk rice, steamed again for about 10 minutes for the same results as the steamed results, until cooked.
  4. Nasi uduk is ready to be served with complementary ingredients that are tailored to the tastes of the family.

To make it easier for you to make nasi uduk rice cooker, we will give an example video of making nasi uduk using a rice cooker. This step guide to making Nasi Uduk will help you in making practical Nasi Uduk.


The taste of nasi uduk will be more special with the addition of peanut sauce or peanut sauce which is typical of Betawi rice uduk. Nasi uduk can be used as a special meal for some events or made into a rice box / rice bento. You can complete it with additional complementary ingredients such as fish, chicken, tofu, tempeh, crackers, fresh vegetables and the typical peanut sauce.

Nasi Uduk recipe is very easy for you to try at home, to serve special dishes to your family members. In addition, for those of you who want to share the recipe for making Nasi Uduk using a rice cooker, you can share it through your social media accounts, Facebook or Twitter. Good luck trying Indonesian recipes.

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