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Recipe For Cooking Potato Croquettes Filled With Cheese The Most Special And Delicious Serving That Appeals To The Appetite

Hearing the name of your potato tuber must be familiar.

This one vegetable is indeed used as a dish at home. The ease of getting potatoes and their delicious taste and texture make potatoes themselves included in one type of dish that is often served on the dinner table. Apart from this, of course, the nutritional content that is good for the body is a reason that causes people to also like potatoes.

Talking about potatoes, because they often appear at the dinner table and do it the same way, the potential to get bored with the dish is also greater, therefore an interesting innovation is needed to make you not bored again if you want to enjoy potatoes.

If you experience the following problems then you should try this one menu at home. The menu, called potato croquette filled with cheese, is a dish that can be an alternative dish for those of you who are looking for a delicious potato dish. Intrigued by the recipe? Let's see here!

recipe for cooking potato croquettes filled with cheese the most special and delicious serving that appeals to the appetite

Recipe Name

Recipe for Cooking Potato Croquettes Filled with Cheese, the Most Special and Delicious Serving that Appeals to the Appetite
4.8 94

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

14 people

Various Ingredients and Seasonings Needed to Process a Delicious Serving of Cheese Stuffed Potato Croquettes

Necessary materials

  • 350 grams of potatoes, cleaned, peeled then steamed and mashed
  • part onion, finely chopped
  • 4 tablespoons of flour
  • teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 125 ml liquid milk

Stuffing of Cheese Filled Potato

  • 80 grams of cheese, cut into small squares

Also Read Various Seasoning Recipes and How to Cook the Most Delicious and Savory and Delicious Baked Potatoes Bolognaise

Lining Material

  • 2 eggs take the whites, beat them off
  • 100 grams of bread flour or breadcrumbs

Easy Steps to Make a Delicious and Delicious Cheese Filled Potato Croquette

Processing Step

  1. Prepare a frying pan first and heat it using only low heat.
  2. Once hot, you can continue to sauté the onions until you can smell the aroma of your dish.
  3. Continue by entering the flour into your cooking pan, stirring until it becomes a grain.
  4. Then you take liquid milk and start pouring slowly into the pan. Do not forget to keep stirring the dough until it is no longer lumpy and slippery.
  5. After the dough is shaped like that you continue to add potatoes, pepper powder and salt.
  6. Continue to stir the mixture until it is evenly mixed and cooked. If you feel it's cooked, take it out and let it cool for a while.
  7. Once cool enough you take the dough to taste and flatten. Fill with pieces of cheese that you have prepared from the start. then form the dough that you have until it is round or oval in shape.
  8. Continue until the dough is used up, then continue to dip it in the egg and roll it in the breadcrumbs.
  9. After everything is in the form of croquettes, continue by deep frying them until they are golden and cooked.
  10. Serve with dipping sauce as a condiment while still warm.

This is the recipe for croquettes filled with cheese. This menu offers a delicious combination of potato croquettes with a cheese filling that is very delicious and melts in the mouth. Interested in trying? Share first through social media about this recipe, besides that you can also share comments about this one dish in the comments column provided at the bottom of the article.

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