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Korean Cheese Ball Recipe

Korean Cheese Ball Recipe – As the name implies, Korean Cheese Ball is basically a ball-shaped dish that has a cheese filling. This cake comes from Korea which is one of the most popular traditional snacks there because of its delicious taste.

The use of mozzarella cheese or quick melt cheese in Korean Cheese Balls makes it have a melty texture and melts in your mouth when you eat it. In addition, the skin made from wheat flour is fried until it has a crunchy texture. The combination of the softness of the cheese with the crunch of the flour is what makes Korean Cheese Ball a favorite snack for many people.

Korean Cheese Balls are surprisingly easy to make at home. You only need raw materials that are very easy to find in supermarkets and even traditional markets. How to make it is also very practical where you only need to make a simple dough and fry it until cooked.

Therefore, Korean Cheese Ball is perfect for those of you who want to enjoy Korean culinary delights without having to look for them in shops. You can make it easily at home without any complicated process.

Immediately, let's take a look at the Korean Cheese Ball recipe below, which we present especially for you!

Korean Cheese Ball Recipe

For those of you who want to enjoy Korean culinary delights, making Korean Cheese Balls is the right choice. With just two main ingredients, you can already make this delicious snack at home. The manufacturing process is also very easy and practical and the equipment needed is very simple so you don't have to bother. Let's just take a look at the Korean Cheese Ball recipe below!

Snack _
Korean cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, korean cheese ball, korean cheese recipe
Cooking Time 45 minutes
Serving 10 pieces


  • 100 grams of white glutinous rice flour
  • 25 grams of flour
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 65 ml hot water
  • 50 grams mozzarella cheese or quick melt diced


  1. Prepare a container, mix the glutinous rice flour, glutinous rice flour, and baking powder until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

  2. Slowly pour hot water into the flour mixture while continuing to stir gently using a spatula. Once it's not too hot, knead the dough by hand. Add margarine while continuing to knead until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

  3. Take enough dough and shape it into a round using your hands, flatten it, fill with diced cheese, round again until the cheese is well covered. Repeat this step until all the dough is used up.

  4. Heat the cooking oil and fry the dough until it is submerged over medium heat. Fry the dough until cooked and golden brown.

Korean Cheese Ball is one of the contemporary snacks that is currently popular, so you can serve it when you gather with family members or friends at home. In addition, you can also make Korean Cheese Ball as one of the culinary business ideas considering its existence which is quite well known today.

With easy-to-find raw materials and a simple way of making, of course you can make Korean Cheese Balls at home anytime. Good luck trying the Korean Cheese Ball recipe at home!

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(Also read: Cat's Tongue Cake Recipe)

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