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Cooking Recipes And How To Make Delicious, Savory And Special Balinese Seasoned Milkfish

A delicious, delicious, savory and special dish that is very familiar with Balinese seasoned milkfish dishes.

Imagine, the right composition of spices mixed from various spices from the archipelago makes it one of the dishes that are rich in spices. Well, for those of you who are curious to know what the Balinese seasoned milkfish recipe looks like, let's look at the following recipe.

cooking recipes and how to make delicious, savory and special balinese seasoned milkfish

Recipe Name

Cooking Recipes and How to Make Delicious, Savory and Special Balinese Seasoned Milkfish

4.7 143

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious, Savory and Special Balinese Seasoned Milkfish

Milkfish Main Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of milkfish
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • brown sugar to taste
  • 1 stalk lemongrass crushed
  • enough water
  • 2 tomatoes, cut into 4 parts
  • 4 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 2 tsp turmeric powder
  • salt to taste
  • right amount of oil

Smoothed Milkfish Seasoning:

  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 4 curly chilies
  • 2 hazelnuts roasted
  • 6 pieces of fresh red chili
  • 6 cloves of red onion
  • 1 cm ginger

How to Make Delicious, Savory and Special Balinese Seasoned Milkfish

How to Clean Milkfish Before Processing:

  1. Start the first step by first cleaning the prepared milkfish. Cleaning fish before eating is very important, especially considering that there are several parts of milkfish that we have to throw away such as the gills, the scales and many more. Well, first we will start cleaning the fish by removing the fish scales. The trick, you can use a spoon, namely the mouth of the spoon on the edge to scrape the scales on the fish's body until clean. After cleaning, rinse the fish again with water so that the scales that have been removed but are still attached can be cleaned.
  2. After cleaning the scales, we continue by cleaning the entrails of the fish. The trick can be done by slashing the belly of the fish with a knife until you have access to reach the innards of the fish. After opening, please clean the fish innards by hand until clean evenly.
  3. Then, also clean the gills on the fish's head. The trick, remove the gills on the fish's head by using your hands until the gill layer is cleaned evenly.
  4. After that, please cut the milkfish into several parts according to your taste.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Simple Yellow Seasoned Tilapia Fish Cuisine

How to Make Balinese Seasoned Milkfish:

  1. After the fish is cleaned, now please coat the fish with lime juice, salt and turmeric while stirring evenly and let stand for about 10 minutes so that this seasoning permeates into the fish evenly so that when the fish is fried, the fish meat already has a savory taste from the spices used. we smear.
  2. After that, prepare a frying pan and fry the milkfish until cooked and crispy. Then remove the cooked fish and set the fish aside.
  3. Reheat the pan with 3 tablespoons of cooking oil and stir-fry the mashed spices until the spices give off a fragrant and delicious aroma.
  4. Then add the tomatoes, sweet soy sauce, lemon grass, sugar, salt and pepper. Then stir this seasoning until the water boils evenly.
  5. After boiling, put the milkfish into it which has been fried while stirring evenly until this seasoning permeates the fish evenly. Please cook the fish using low heat.

After the fish is cooked, please remove the fish and serve the fish in a serving plate. Then enjoy this dish while it is still warm. That's the recipe and how to make delicious and delicious milkfish cooked with Balinese spices.

Well, here is an illustration of how to make Balinese seasoned milkfish.

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